All who were on the synodal journey were engaged in a reading of the “signs of the times”.
It is not that the challenges were ignored or that everything was seen through rose-coloured glasses. Rather, signs of life were identified and reasons for hope were given....
The synod experience was an eye-opener. It made me understand the individual responsibility we all share towards our fellow beings. I learnt that we, the Catholic Church as a whole, must stand united in addressing the trauma of the past and that our Mother Church needs renewal....
In a very real sense, the October assembly, although far removed physically from Rome, can truly be described as a mini-mirror image of what was taking place simultaneously at the global Synod on Synodality. ...
Over the course of our Synod, I heard the Spirit of God speaking through many voices. Some speaking with ideas different to my own, but always with the same Spirit. ...
In speaking to National Catholic Reporter's Christopher White, Bishop Vincent says he does not want to compare himself with the pope, but that he is simply trying to draw from what Francis is teaching and apply it in his own backyard. ...
If we want people to step up and shape our Church’s future, we need to create spaces where tension is allowed, even appreciated – while being held with civility and respect. The Synod was the best I’ve seen so far of this in the Church....
Deacon Tony Hoban from St Luke's Marsden Park reflects on his involvement in the recently held Diocesan Synod and how his own journey with St Luke's was echoed in the Synod...
The culmination of over six months of listening and consultation sessions, the Synod was a gathering of 200 selected Members to discuss, discern, and vote on 25 resolutions under the six key themes that were raised as part of the consultation sessions. Over 5,000 people were part of this...
We have done it! We have celebrated the first synod for the Diocese and the first local synod ever after the 5th Plenary Council in Australia....