In his latest apostolic exhortation, Querida Amazonia, Pope Francis calls for “authentic” inculturation in the Amazon, so as to allow for the creation of a Church which truly bears the features of the region and the culture of its people....
10 Essential Quotes from Querida Amazonia...
For the Pope, the key challenge was to open up to new thinking in order to implement the vision of Laudato Si’....
Splendor, drama, mystery: with these three words Pope Francis offers to the people of God and all persons of goodwill his post-synodal apostolic exhortation Querida Amazonia (Beloved Amazon), on the special synod for the Amazon, which took place in Rome, October 6-27, 2019....
Querida Amazonia offers guidance and challenge for Australia...
Querida Amazonia: the Pope’s Exhortation for a Church with an Amazonian face...
Francis' response to Amazon synod coming February 12, Vatican announces...
In the weeks leading up to the Synod on the Amazon in October last year, there was considerable speculation about two matters in particular....
Francis finishes work on Amazon synod text, publication expected within weeks...