Care for Creation: The Synod of Bishops on Ecology...
My first mission as a Dominican sister was in a rural area of the central Andes, where the majority spoke Quechua, the language of my grandparents. It’s one of nearly 50 languages spoken in Peru, where I was born and raised. Four other Dominican sisters and I were responsible...
Final Document of the Amazon Synod...
Following through on a proposal made at the Synod of Bishops for the Amazon, Pope Francis said there are plans to include a definition of ecological sins in the church’s official teaching....
Bishop Robert McElroy from the Diocese of San Diego has delivered a lecture on how the church in the United States can learn from the recent Synod on the Amazon....
Pope Francis's critics and the Amazon statues....
Bishop Mario Grech reflects on his experience during the recent Amazon Synod and shares his thoughts on how central the synodal dimension is in Pope Francis’ pastoral ministry....
Following a proposal made during the Synod of Bishops for the Amazon, Pope Francis restructured several dioceses in the Brazilian Amazon to better address the needs of local Catholics....
The synod on the Amazon will be remembered as the moment that bishops gathered in Rome asked the pope to ordain married men in order better to stand with the wretched and vulnerable in defense of their lives and land....