Liturgical Ministry Formation Course commences

Formation for Readers of the Word, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Communion to the Sick, Senior Servers and Acolytes.
On 22 February 2016, 105 participants from across Western Sydney commenced the course at the Institute for Mission. Photo: Adrian Middeldorp.

Posted on 23 February 2016

By Sr Mary Louise Walsh ISSM

A course that provides participants with the opportunity to deepen their faith through their understanding of liturgy and ministry commenced in Blacktown last night.

The Liturgical Ministry Formation Course in the Diocese of Parramatta focuses on formation for Readers of the Word, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Communion to the Sick either at home, in a nursing home or hospital, Adult Altar Servers (Senior Servers) and Acolytes.

Participants develop practical and pastoral skills. Photos: Adrian Middeldorp.

Participants develop practical and pastoral skills. Photo: Adrian Middeldorp.

Last night, 105 participants from across Western Sydney commenced the course at the Institute for Mission. A second course will be held in St Nicholas of Myra Parish at Penrith.

During the course the participants develop practical and pastoral skills. The awareness of duties involved in these ministries is also covered.

The ministry of Acolyte, available to male applicants, provides the participants with a practical understanding of how to assist the Celebrant at the Eucharist.

The preparation for this role also includes preparation for the Ministry of the Word as the role of the Acolyte demands that the person ministering as an Acolyte is also responsible to ensure that the Reader knows exactly how and what to do during the Liturgy of the Word.

In a similar way, the Acolyte must be aware of the role of the Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist. Therefore, the candidate for this role will complete the whole course.

Senior Servers (who may be females) will also need to know and understand the roles of Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist and the participants in the Ministry of the Word.

The Liturgical Ministry Formation Course is held twice a year. The next course will take place in August 2016.

For further information contact the Office for Worship tel (02) 9831 4911 or

If you would like to consider being involved in liturgical ministry, please contact your parish priest.

To view an album of photos taken at Blacktown on 22 February click here

Sr Mary Louise Walsh ISSM is Liturgy Educator in the Office for Worship, Diocese of Parramatta.


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