Mary, Mother of God

1 January 2020
Madonna del Granduca by Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino. Image: Wikimedia Commons.


As for Mary, she treasured all these things and pondered them in her heart. Luke 2:19

1 January 2020, Mary, Mother of God



Numbers 6:22–27, Psalm 66(67):2–3, 5, 6, 8, Galatians 4:4–7, Luke 2:16–21

That is what real mothers do; they treasure what is relevant to their own children, as Mary did. In fact, a mother’s heart is full of her children. The word of God is not a static thing welded to the time of the actual event. It overflows into our time, our lives, our journeys, and there we find the reality of this Gospel today.

I knew a woman once. Let’s call her “Joyce”. Her home life as a child during the Great Depression was horrific. Her father was a violent alcoholic and her mother a demanding woman—understandably harassed by the destitution of their lives. Joyce was the youngest of her six siblings (who had no patience for the childish needs of their youngest sister.) She was alone and she knew it.

Her parish commenced regular Tuesday evening devotions to Mary. To get away from home, Joyce began going along. One night, after another horrible episode, Joyce made her tearful way to church, slumped into the pew, buried her head, and silently cried out to Mary: “Please, I need you!” She heard a voice within her say, “You are in my heart. I am your mother.”

To her dying day at age 92, Joyce still recalled that motherly voice. It changed her life, and from that night, Joyce’s way through life was assured.

Really, that, too, is all you have to do—believe that Mary treasures you in her heart and leave the rest to her.

A little prayer to say often;

Mary, be mother to me. Amen.

Mother Hilda Scott OSB


Mother Hilda Scott OSB is the abbess of the Benedictine Sisters at Jamberoo Abbey, NSW. Prior to being elected abbess, Mother Hilda filled the offices of prioress, novice mistress and vocation director. She also engaged in spiritual direction, retreat giving and talks at the Abbey Retreat Cottages. Mother Hilda first became known to wider Australia through the ABC TV documentary, The Abbey. Prior to 1990, Mother Hilda was a member of a religious order where she taught at all levels, worked with youth and children, and did pastoral work in parishes. Immediately before coming to Jamberoo, she lived in a caravan park among the most disadvantaged in our society.

With thanks to the Diocese of Wollongong who have supplied the weekly Advent and Christmas 2019 reflections from their publication, The Way – Advent & Christmas Daily Reflections 2019. You can read the reflections as they are published here.


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