News & Events Weekly Update

News & Events across the Diocese of Parramatta and beyond.

Diocesan Works Fund Appeal

The DWF Appeal is being held across the Diocese of Parramatta during February 2017. Donations to the appeal will provide financial support to our not-for-profit social services. Each year, more than 20,000 inquiries for assistance are received by the Ephpheta Centre, which supports the deaf, and CatholicCare Social Services from refugees, youth, families, young mothers, the elderly and people with disability. To make a donation, click here

Positions vacant

1. Graphic Designer and Team Support – Brand, Networking, Video: The Institute for Mission in Blacktown requires a team member with qualifications in Graphic Design, Media and Video or a solid equivalence through related training and experience. A background interest in and commitment to the Catholic faith in today’s world is also essential. To view the position description, click here. Please send your resume and covering letter to:  Applications close 7 February 2017.

2. Manager of Pastoral Services: CatholicCare Social Services Diocese of Parramatta is currently recruiting a Manager of Pastoral Services, who will be responsible for providing leadership and management to a team of Lay, Clergy and Religious Chaplains. For a confidential discussion about this role or to obtain a Position Description please contact Gregory tel (02) 8822 2222 or email an updated CV to Applications close 19 February 2017.

Launch of Social Justice Paper Human Trafficking and Slavery – A response from Australian Catholics: 8 February 2017

World Day of Prayer, Reflection and Action Against Human Trafficking will be the diocesan launch of the ACSJC Series Paper no. 79 Human Trafficking and Slavery – A response from Australian Catholics. Join Bishop Vincent Long OFM Conv and Sr Noelene Simmons SM as we launch this very informative publication and engage in the issues and responses that we can make. From 7.30pm-9.00pm at the Institute for Mission, 1-5 Marion St, Blacktown. RSVP to Sr Louise McKeogh FMA at or

Mass for World Day of the Sick: 9 February 2017

Everyone is welcome to this annual Mass which is an acknowledgment of carers and those for whom they care. Mass includes the Sacramental Rite of Anointing of the Sick and Prayers for Healing. Bishop Vincent Long OFM Conv will be the principal celebrant for Mass at 10.30am in St Patrick’s Church, 51 Allawah St, Blacktown, in Mary, Queen of the Family Parish. Plenty of parking – refreshments to follow.

Retreat for Women – Treasures in Earthen Vessels: 10-12 February  2017

Retreat led by Sr M Elizabeth Foley at Mount Schoenstatt, 230 Fairlight Rd, Mulgoa. Cost: $170 shared room; $180 single room. Includes all meals. Deposit $50. Saturday only $40 (includes lunch). Bookings essential, tel (02) 4773 8338 or email

Liturgical Ministry Courses

The Office for Worship is offering Liturgical Ministry Courses which are open to all parishes and individuals seeking formation and training for serving at the altar. Held at the Diocesan Assembly Centre in Blacktown on Mondays and at St Nicholas of Myra Parish in Penrith on Thursdays, the formation courses are for anyone who is interested in becoming a Minister of the Word, Holy Communion, Communion to the Sick and Dying, Adult Altar Server or Acolyte. Download an enrolment form: 2017-LMC-Enrolment-Form-FEB(1). For more information, please contact the Office for Worship tel (02) 8838 3456 or send an email to Bookings close 16 February 2017.

Catholic Charismatic Renewal 50th Anniversary: 17-19 February 2017

Everyone is invited to join CCR’s Holy Spirit Mission for a weekend of Renewal, Restoration and Revival. Bishop Vincent Long OFM Conv will preside at the opening Mass in St Patrick’s Cathedral in Parramatta on Friday 17 February 2017 at 7.30pm. On Saturday & Sunday, the program at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, Seven Hills, includes children’s ministry, Reconciliation from 1.00pm-2.00pm, exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, closing Mass at 4pm on Sunday 19 February. Presenters include: the Archbishop of Canberra & Goulburn, Most Rev Christopher Prowse, and Fr Ken Barker MGL. Entry is free. For more information, click here.

Christian Meditation Introduction & Renewal Day: 19 February 2017

Presentations, Introduction to Christian Meditation, two periods of meditation, Eucharistic Celebration and information exchange. BYO picnic lunch – tea & coffee provided. Arrive 10am for 10.30am, concludes about 3pm. Books & CDs for sale. St Benedict’s Monastery is at 121 Arcadia Rd, Arcadia, tel (02) 9653 1159. Self-catering overnight accommodation may be available in the monastery guest house. Contact Br Terry on 0438 282 318. Inquiries about Christian Meditation to Ann Bergman (02) 9498 2625, or Ann Lomas (02) 9456 4775,

Lenten Retreat for Young Adults: 24-26 February 2017

Jesus invites you to journey with Him this Lent and allow your heart to be transformed. Mount Schoenstatt, 230 Fairlight Rd, Mulgoa. Cost: students $180, employed $210. Registration essential, contact Sr M Julie

Family Lenten Program 2017

The diocesan Life, Marriage & Family Office has produced a Family Lenten Program as a support to families in their faith journey towards Easter. The program is based around the theme ‘Lead us to Living Water’. It is based on the Sunday Gospel reading with reflections, colourful pictures, prayers and activities that the whole family can do together. This resource will be available in parishes on Sunday 26 February, prior to the start of Lent on Ash Wednesday.

LIFTED Breakfast with the Bishop: 4 March 2017

Catholic Youth Parramatta invites secondary school students (16+), youth and young adults to breakfast with Bishop Vincent. Join us as we ‘launch into the deep’ this 2017! Cost: $5 donation towards a full buffet breakfast. From 9.00am-11.30am at Novotel Sydney, Rooty Hill. RSVP Friday 24 February via CYP Facebook or by email to James Camden (CYP Director),

Lenten Retreat Day for Families at Mt Schoenstatt: 5 March

Families of all ages welcome! 11am Holy Mass followed by BYO picnic. Afternoon program begins at 1.30pm with Input for Adults and program for children; 3pm Prayer followed by afternoon tea. Mount Schoenstatt, 230 Fairlight Rd, Mulgoa. Free event but Registration is essential:

Retreat for Mature Catholic Women – Food for Mind & Soul: 10-12 March 2017

Feeling on the fringe of the Church? Retreat led by Andrea Dean. Mount Schoenstatt, 230 Fairlight Rd, Mulgoa. Early bird registration: $420, includes course, individual sessions, accommodation, linen and all meals. Registration and further details at: or 0487 388 873.

Pilgrimage Information Session: 12 March 2017

Fr Wim Hoekstra EV, Parish Priest of St Michael’s Parish, Baulkham Hills, is accompanying a pilgrimage ‘Of Celtic Saints, English Martyrs and Aussie Links’. The pilgrimage to Ireland, Scotland and England will depart on 25 September and return on 25 October. Some of the saints are: John Henry Newman, Patrick, Oliver Plunkett, Catherine McAuley, Columba, Mary MacKillop, Hilda of Whitby, Venerable Bede and Thomas Becket. English martyrs: Margaret Clitheroe, Edmund Campion and John Fisher. Itinerary includes: Birmingham, Stratford-upon-Avon, Oxford, Glastonbury, Dublin, Knock, Fort William, Iona, Holy Island (Lindisfarne), Durham, York, Cambridge, Walsingham, London and Canterbury.

Information afternoon starts 2.30pm in Downey Room, St Michael’s Parish Offices, 1-3 Chapel Lane, Baulkham Hills. Download the brochure: Fr Wim Hoekstra Pilgrimage 2017 For further information, send an email to Fr Wim or write to PO Box 1501, Baulkham Hills, NSW, 1755.

Walk the Camino! 20-day Pilgrimage in 2017

From Leòn to Santiago de Compostela (17 May to 5 June 2017). Catholic Mission’s pilgrimage balances walking and simple hospitality, with silence, personal reflection-prayer. Small group led by an experienced guide, Sr Veronica OP 0451 387 906; Bianca (02) 9919 7825. For more information send an email to

St Patrick’s Family Festival: 18 March 2017

Everyone is welcome to this festival hosted by the Diocese of Parramatta and the Life, Marriage & Family Office. Rides, food and entertainment from 2.00pm-5.00pm in St Patrick’s Cathedral Precinct, 1 Marist Place, Parramatta. Visit

24 Hrs for the Lord – Living Water @ Schoenstatt Shrine: 24-25 March 2017

Come and spend some time with Our Lord and His Mother in the Schoenstatt Shrine during this very special 24 hours. This annual gathering will begin with Holy Mass at 6pm on Friday 24 March 2017 and finish with Holy Mass at 5pm on Saturday 25 March 2017. Reflection and music every hour for 30 minutes following by silent prayer. Reconciliation available. Accommodation at the retreat house is available for anyone who might wish to immerse themselves in this 24 hours. Join us on Facebook. Schoenstatt Shrine, 230 Fairlight Rd, Mulgoa. Inquiries & bookings tel (02) 4773 8338. If your parish or church group is interested in presenting an hour during the program please contact Ann-Maree tel (02) 4773 8338,

Posted on Tuesday 30 January 2017.

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