Reflection for the First Sunday of Advent

1 December 2019
Image: Myriams Fotos/Pixabay.


First Sunday of Advent

Year A

Reading 1: Isaiah 2: 1-5

Responsorial Psalm: PS 122: 1-9

“Let us go rejoicing to the house of the Lord”

Reading 2: 1 Romans 13: 11-14

Gospel: Matthew 24: 37-44


Matthew 24:44 – “You must be prepared, for at an hour you do not expect, the Son of Man will come.”

Today’s Gospel is perfect for the commencement of Advent, as it so completely suits this time of waiting that may yet end at any time. Am I ready for God to return and claim the Earth and all its people?

If Jesus returned tomorrow, are we genuinely ready to face him? Or would we be thoroughly relying on an all-forgiving Lord to allow us more time to prepare ourselves?

Jesus has already made it abundantly clear that we need to be awake and aware that he may return at any moment.

The parable of the maidens and the lamps is apt here – no matter if someone else has sufficient oil to light their lamp and yours, if you have none, you will need to go and buy oil for yourself before you can progress. You may very well miss the banquet if you are not fully ready.

It is very easy to go about our lives and forget that Jesus will be returning at an hour that we cannot predict. Let’s keep it in mind, however, and live our lives as if he is returning at any moment. This way, we will not be caught out and can have confidence in the outcome of our meeting with the Lord.

Pray for the laws of the Church to be upheld by our society.


With thanks to Holy Name of Mary Parish, Hunters Hill, who have supplied these daily Advent and Christmas 2019 reflections from their publication Daily Inspirations of Faith: A Season of Prayer – Advent to Epiphany 2019-20.


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