St Bernadette’s hampers feed hundreds

By Belinda Gadd, 17 December 2024
Around 400 Christmas hampers were donated this year to St Bernadette's Parish Christmas hamper drive. Image: Supplied


For more than 20 years, St Bernadette’s Parish Castle Hill has led a Christmas hamper drive, which has fed hundreds of individuals and families experiencing hardship.  

This year is no different, with around 400 hampers being packed, blessed and distributed in a collective effort by the parish, to two charitable oganisations (St Vincent de Paul and Catholic Care Western Sydney and the Blue Mountains), five local Catholic schools, and hundreds of parishioner volunteers. 

St Bernadette’s Parish Priest Fr Fernando Montano blesses the hampers, the donors and those who are going to receive the hampers on the first weekend of Advent. 

“The generosity of time, skills and gifts from the local parish and school communities are always a good example for all, at a time when we come together as a community of faith to share the gift of giving with those in need,” Fr Fernando says. 

“This effort does not happen by itself, and that is why we also want to thank Vinnies for coordinating the drive each year, and also to Catholic Care Western Sydney and the Blue Mountains for distributing the bulk of the hampers to local people in need.” 

Assorted hampers at St Bernadette’s Parish, Castle Hill awaiting to be donated to a family in need. Image: Supplied

Fr Fernando says the donation of a truck this year and last year has made the delivery of the hampers significantly easier, particularly as the number of hampers increase year on year. While the numbers are yet to be finalised for 2024, the hampers have increased in quantity to around 400 this year. 

Parishioner and St Vincent the Paul volunteer Carole Walton loves to see the passion and enthusiasm of all the volunteers, students and their families. 

“The Christmas hamper drive brings the local community together, and it is such a wonderful cause,” she says. 

“When you see a whole convoy of people carrying donated hampers to the hall, it’s truly amazing.” 

Carole says the students, staff and parents from St Bernadette’s primary, Tangara School for Girls, Oakhill College, Gilroy Catholic College, and Redfield College provide wonderful support and assistance with the hampers, and their actions are inspiring. 

“I had a non-Catholic friend with me one year who witnessed the dedicated young men from Oakhill College packing and loading the hampers with enthusiasm and joy, and she was almost moved to tears,” Carole says. 

“My friend couldn’t believe there was so much goodness at work in the parish: she told me it restored her faith in humanity.” 

This year, the hampers are being packed and delivered to St Bernadette’s, sorted, blessed by Fr Fernando, loaded onto a truck and delivered the next day to Catholic Care Western Sydney and the Blue Mountains at Mamre House in Orchard Hills, where the hampers will be distributed to individuals and families who need a bit of extra support and care this Christmas. 

Catholic Care’s Community Engagement Coordinator Lisa Malcher and the wider leadership team have seen first-hand the benefits of the hamper drive, as they distribute the hampers to clients each year. 

“We receive a truckload of hampers tailor-made for each anonymous family or individual, based on the size and ages of the household. 

“We invite clients to collect their hampers from one of our drop-in centres, or we go and deliver the hampers to them personally. 

“The hampers are beautifully gift wrapped, and it just goes to show the care and kindness of people in our community.” 

Students from Oakhill College helping with the hamper drive. Image: Supplied

A message from the students 

Every year, our school, St Bernadette’s Primary in Castle Hill takes part in the Christmas Hamper Drive, and we’re really proud to be a part of it.  

We collect food, gifts, and other items to help families who are struggling during Christmas.  

It makes us feel lucky because we have our family, friends, food, and presents, so we know that when we bring something in, it will help someone else who might not have as much.  

The Christmas Hampers are a great way for us to show kindness, care, and compassion, just like Jesus taught us, and that’s what Christmas is really all about.  

In class, we’ve explored the Scripture from James, Faith Without Works is Dead, and it says, “For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also”. 

This reminds us that faith isn’t just something we say or think about, but it’s also about what we do.

By donating to the hamper, we’re putting our faith into action. 

It feels good to know that our donations bring some joy and help to others who might not have as much. 

– St Bernadette’s Year 6 ‘Mini Vinnies’ team. 

St Bernadett’s Year 6 ‘Mini Vinnies’ team with some of the hampers. Image: Supplied

This article was originally published in the 2024 Advent & Christmas | Summer edition of the Catholic Outlook Magazine. You can read the digital version here or pick up a copy in your local parish.

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