For the pope the Jubilee is an invitation to renew hope, especially in times of trial....
During his Sunday Angelus address, Pope Francis reflects on the Lord's first sign at the Wedding at Cana to remind faithful that when we lack something, the Lord goes above and beyond since "He wishes to celebrate with us."...
Bishop Vincent's Homily: God uses the outcasts to show us the model of discipleship
Homily for the 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B...
Bishop Vincent's Homily: Embracing the self-emptying way of Christ and the Gospel logic of service
Homily for the 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B...
Bishop Vincent's Homily shares how we live in a society that is increasingly fragmented and undermined by the unequal distribution of wealth and resources. Today's scripture teaches us about what it takes to be the true follower of Jesus....
Cardinal Tagle’s reflection from 16 January 2022...