Fourth Sunday of Advent

By the Diocese of Wollongong, 18 December 2022
'The Annunciation' by Nicolas Poussin (1657). Image: Web Gallery of Art/Public Domain


Fourth Sunday of Advent

Readings: Isaiah 7:10–14; Psalm 23(24):1–6; Romans 1:1–7; Matthew 1:18–24

18 December 2022


“The Virgin will conceive and give birth to a son.” Matthew 1:23


St Matthew’s account of Jesus’ birth emphasises two things: the deep and abiding faith of Mary and Joseph, and that the Child born of her would save his people from their sins.

As we come to the end of Advent, let us think about these two things. It was through Mary’s docile obedience and complete fidelity to God’s will that the Saviour was enabled to become incarnate in her immaculate womb. Her fiat, “yes”, in faith and trust, made it possible for Jesus to be born in human flesh and for us to be forgiven, saved and redeemed. Mary’s total self-surrender wordlessly shows us what it means to be a true disciple of Christ. Today, where many seem to “talk the talk” but not so much “walk the walk”, we need to remind ourselves of this most basic lesson of faith and discipleship.

St Joseph, the chaste and strong spouse of Mary, also in total and complete obedience to God’s will, said “yes” to another angel and took Mary as his wife, and became the earthly guardian of the Son of God, enabling the incarnate Word to be legitimately accepted as the “Son of the carpenter”, spending the rest of his life as faithful spouse, loving foster father, and protective provider of the Holy Family.

We who claim to be disciples of Jesus Christ are also called to say “yes” to God’s will for our lives. We may—like St Joseph and Our Lady—feel unworthy, frightened, and uncertain, but the only important question is whether we will in faith and trust say “yes” to whatever God asks of us in our lives. The rest doesn’t matter because it is up to him.

Mother of the Word incarnate, pray for us.

St Joseph, protect us.

Incarnate Word, save us. Amen.

Fr Christopher G. Sarkis


Artist Spotlight

The Annunciation – Nicolas Poussin (1594–1665)

The Annunciation (1657). Oil on Canvas, 104.3cm x 103.1cm. The National Gallery, London. Public Domain.

Nicholas Poussin was born in Normandy in 1594. He was the child of a noble family who had fallen on hard times. He was schooled in many subjects but showed a talent for drawing, being scolded by his teachers for doodling in his books. His parents would not encourage an artistic career, so he ran away to Paris when he was just 18.

He became the leading painter of the classical French Baroque style, although he spent most of his working life in Rome. Most of his works were on religious and mythological subjects painted for a small group of Italian and French collectors. His career took off after he received his first commission from the Jesuits. He was then asked to produce a painting for Notre Dame.

The painting on which we are meditating, The Annunciation, bears Poussin’s signature, the date 1657, and the name of the reigning pope, Alexander VII, which makes some commentators think that the pope might have commissioned it. The painting now resides in London’s National Gallery. But while the painting bears the title of the Annunciation, I think Poussin’s intention was much more subtle. It is obvious that the archangel has caught Mary in a moment of prayerful recollection; her eyes are closed as if some passage of Scripture has caught her attention. Remember, St Luke tells us of her continual practice of prayer: “As for Mary, she treasured all these things and pondered them in her heart” (Lk 2:19, 51).

Now, notice the open book in the foreground. Poussin has made a feature of it, and with the Holy Spirit hovering above, the painting could well have been renamed the Incarnation of the Word. “The Word became flesh, he lived among us” (Jn 1:14). St John literally says, and it drives his message home better: “He pitched his tent among us.” And for “flesh”, he used the word for the meat found in the butcher’s shop. Not only does God come to earth in human form, he enters the world’s messiness.

But, asked Meister Eckhart OP (+1239), “What good is it to me if this eternal birth of the divine Son takes place unceasingly, but does not take place within myself?” A meditation on Christ’s incarnation should prompt me to think of my own. Speaking to priests during the Year of the Priest (2009–10), Benedict XVI remarked: “We are chosen. I think it is worth reflecting on this word. God has always known us, even before our birth, before our conception” (refer to Jr 1:4 in my last reflection.) In other words, I am eternal. I have always been in God’s mind. “He chose us in Christ before the world was made …marking us out for himself beforehand to be adopted sons” (Ep 1:4–5).

In a moment of time, this idea of me became incarnate. I became flesh—”You knit me together in my mother’s womb … a wonder am I” (Ps 139:13–14). In my earthly life I am destined to live out the life of Christ, to die with him in order to rise with him forever. Even my body is destined for eternity as we acclaim each Sunday in the Creed: “I look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come.” God has created me to be in friendship with him, a friendship so intimate that I am invited to walk with him “in the garden in the cool of the day” (Gn 3:8).

Catherine of Siena can help us wonder at the beauty of our creation: “Eternal Trinity, you are the Creator, I am the creature. I have come to know in the new creation you have made of me in the blood of your Son, that you are in love with the beauty of your creature” (Catherine of Siena, Dialogue on Divine Providence). From all eternity, God fell in love with the very thought of me.

Monsignor Graham Schmitzer


Fr Christopher G Sarkis is the parish priest of Our Lady Help of Christians Parish in Rosemeadow, in the Diocese of Wollongong. He was ordained in 1985 and has served in several parishes in the diocese. His current diocesan appointments include the College of Consultors, Council of Priests, and Clergy Remuneration Fund.

Monsignor Graham Schmitzer is the retired parish priest of Immaculate Conception Parish in Unanderra, NSW. He was ordained in 1969 and has served in many parishes in the Diocese of Wollongong. He was also chancellor and secretary to Bishop William Murray for 13 years. He grew up in Port Macquarie and was educated by the Sisters of St Joseph of Lochinvar. For two years he worked for the Department of Attorney General and Justice before entering St Columba’s College, Springwood, in 1962. Fr Graham loves travelling and has visited many of the major art galleries in Europe.


With thanks to the Diocese of Wollongong, who have supplied this reflection from their publication, Incarnate – Advent & Christmas Daily Reflections 2022Reproduced with permission.


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