Pope Francis prayed the Angelus with the faithful gathered in Saint Peter’s Square on Tuesday, the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into heaven at the end of her earthly life....
Lindsay Nakhoul is many things to many people. A daughter, aunt, friend, carer, catechist, retreat leader, women’s advocate, charity group organiser, colleague and more. She is also one to buck many societal trends by taking up the vocation to single life and minister to young women....
We should never delude ourselves into thinking that the things we do in private, including very small actions of infidelity, self-indulgence, bigotry, jealousy, or slander, are of no consequence since no one knows about them. Inside the mystery of our interconnectedness as a human family and as a family...
Every person deserves the beauty and dignity of being lovingly farewelled at what one theologian has called ‘the moment of truth’....
Clare Condon SGS and Maddy Forde will join in conversation with Dr Tracy McEwan, Vice President of WATAC on Wednesday 12th October at 7pm AEDT. ...
As the Synod on Synodality enters a new phase, this video explores how the continental phase is being prepared, following the completion of documents from the diocesan and national levels....
Being pro-life shouldn’t be about individual issues, but rather about solidarity writes Steven Milies....
In Australia, we are fortunate that the death penalty has been abolished in every Australian State. Nor is there any political drive to restore it. However, it is helpful to reflect on why it is a blessing for our nation to be free from the death penalty and what...
"The nonviolent battle to protect our tiny unborn brothers and sisters continues, and we must not grow weary. They are counting on us! And so are their moms and dads."...