Diocese of Parramatta update on the coronavirus

22 April 2022


Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, 

Re: COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Update 

The NSW Government recently announced changes with regards to restrictions and isolation rules. Close contacts of a confirmed COVID-19 case will no longer be required to isolate, provided they comply with NSW Health guidelines. 

The seven-day isolation requirement remains in place for anyone who has recorded a positive RAT or PCR result. 

From 6pm on Friday, 22 April 2022, the following will apply: 

  1. Close contacts (defined as a household contact or an individual deemed by NSW Health to be a close contact) will not have to isolate, as long as they have no symptoms and comply with the following guidelines that they:
    • Do not visit aged care, hospitals, disability, and correctional facilities unless a special exemption applies; 
    • Wear a face mask in indoor settings outside the home; 
    • Undertake daily RAT tests before coming into close contact with people outside their household, where practicable;
    • Avoid contact with elderly and immunocompromised persons where possible;
    • Work from home where practical; and
    • Notify their employer/ educational facility that they are a close contact, and that they are not required to isolate as long as they comply with the above. 
  2. Close contacts will need to comply with the above guidelines for 7 days from the time a person in their household tested positive for COVID-19. 

Please consider which of the above guidelines apply in relation to specific activities being undertaken in your community e.g. sacramental preparation, etc. 

The basic rules of hand hygiene, wearing a mask when you cannot socially distance and staying at home if you have symptoms still apply as we are still in a pandemic. Individuals still need to exercise extra caution to protect vulnerable members of our community. 

Yours in Christ,

Very Rev Peter G. Williams AM 
Vicar General and Moderator of the Curia. 


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