Fr Raymond Ugwu installed as new Parish Priest of historic Richmond Parish 

By Beckie Lee, 30 September 2024
Bishop Vincent Long OFM Conv, Bishop of Parramatta (right) and Fr Raymond Ugwu CSSp following his installation Mass as Parish Priest of the Parish of Richmond. Image: Alphonsus Fok/Diocese of Parramatta


Dating back to 1859, St Monica’s Richmond is one of the oldest parishes in Sydney. With a history spanning more than 164 years, many parish priests have served during that time. 

On Sunday 22 September, Fr Raymond Ugwu CSSp was the newest Parish Priest formally installed to serve this community by Bishop Vincent Long OFM Conv, Bishop of Parramatta. 

Bishop Vincent acknowledged the parish’s long history during Mass, making a light-hearted comment, “Throughout your long history, you’ve had more parish priests than Elizabeth Taylor,” to the laughter of parishioners. 

“Fr Raymond arrives in Richmond via several places. He was born in Nigeria, received formation in the Philippines, and worked in Broome for many years in the west corner of our country before he came to us,” Bishop Vincent said. 

Bishop Vincent Long OFM Conv, Bishop of Parramatta, installs Fr Raymond Ugwu CSSp as Parish Priest of the Parish of Richmond. Image: Alphonsus Fok/Diocese of Parramatta

“Fr Raymond turns over another chapter for St Monica’s Richmond, which is older than most parishes in Sydney. He carries on from the work of Fr Gayan Thamel to lead the parish.  

“I trust that together with you, he will build a community that models itself on Jesus’ outreach to everyone, especially the poor, the needy, and those at the margins.” 

Fr Raymond acknowledged the path created for him by God. 

“Thank you to God Almighty who has accompanied me, and has guided me, and has shown that my native name, which is Chibu Song, which is ‘God’s place in me’, continues to be manifest in my life, leading me from Nigeria to the Philippines, from the Philippines to Western Australia, and today, to Parramatta and Richmond. 

“Thanks to our Bishop Vincent, who has been so faithful and wonderful and fatherly in accepting me here, and in giving me this big responsibility. 

Fr Raymond Ugwu CSSp speaks during his installation Mass as Parish Priest of the Parish of Richmond. Image: Alphonsus Fok/Diocese of Parramatta

“On behalf of the Nigerian community, they feel honoured that in this historic event of our parish, that one of them, their son, their brother, is being chosen by the Bishop to participate in this more than 150 years history of this parish, as your parish leader and priest.” 

Bishop Vincent was then presented with gifts from the Nigerian community. 

Fr Raymond reflects on the journey that God has taken him 

During morning tea, Fr Raymond shared his aspirations for the parish. 

“My aspirations here would be very simple. Being able to lead the people closer to God. Joining with them as a synod of people, doing our best together to realise the seven pillars of our parish and to realise also the basic tenets of the pastoral plan of the diocese. 

“It is a huge job to do, but with God always with us, they are all achievable.” 

Asked about the reflections of his journey to date, Fr Raymond mentions, “My reflection has always been that of onelike clay in the hand of the porter who is God, moulding me, fashioning me in his ways. 

“Guiding me and leading me, giving me the grace to be able to lead his people in the right direction.”  

Fr Raymond Ugwu CSSp greets parishioners following his installation Mass as Parish Priest of the Parish of Richmond. Image: Alphonsus Fok/Diocese of Parramatta

Parishioners celebrate Fr Raymond’s Installation  

After Mass, parishioners celebrated with morning tea.  

Mary McGuinness, a member of the parish’s pastoral council, shared her thoughts,  

“I’ve found Fr Raymond to be a listening person, a very caring person, someone who loves to learn,” she said. 

“We had a large group here for a working bee in the gardens. Fr Raymond was here, right from the beginning to the end. He came all prepared, any old gloves, everything ready. 

Fr Raymond Ugwu CSSp is seen following his installation Mass as Parish Priest of the Parish of Richmond. Image: Alphonsus Fok/Diocese of Parramatta

“And he didn’t let up. And I thought that’s very symbolic of the new Parish Priest. 

“We look forward to our future journey with Fr Raymond.” 

Another parishioner, originally from the Philippines, Judy Decian, said, I feel comfortable with him, particularly as he is from the Philippines and can speak my language. 

“In his first Mass, he showed that he had a sense of humour and he is relatable. I think he will be effective here,” she added. 

Parishioner Ashley Senn said, “We welcome the person chosen by the Diocese with an open mind. During the working bee, the interactions we had with Fr Raymond were very pleasant. We wish him all the best.” 

View images from Fr Raymond’s installation here or below.



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