Hundreds of parishioners braved the cold to witness the ordination of Jack Green by Most Rev Vincent Long Van Nguyen OFM Conv at Sacred Heart Parish, Westmead on Saturday night, 2 June. Seats were rare as many stood outside the doors of just to catch a glimpse of the ordination.
The Mass for the Solemnity of Corpus Christi with Rite of Ordination was the fourth ordination to the diaconate since December 2017 and the third in a month for the Diocese of Parramatta. The other ordinations being for Galbert Albino, Jessie Balorio and Chris del Rosario.
Deacon Jack made special mention of his Parish Priest, Fr John O’Neill, from St John Vianney Parish, Doonside, who “helped plant the seed of this vocation” to the priesthood. St John Vianney Parish currently has four seminarians in formation to the priesthood.
VIEW: Images from the ordination below or click here