So long, farewell to Fr Greg

By Isabell Petrinic, 4 December 2023
Fr Greg Jacobs SJ (centre) with parishioners at his farewell at Holy Family Parish, Mt Druitt on Sunday 26 November 2023. Image: Diocese of Parramatta


Purpose, singing and listening have been the key ingredients for building a sense of belonging at Holy Family Parish Mt Druitt — these are the things Father Gregory “Greg” Jacobs SJ takes with him as he embarks on a new chapter in the New Year. 

Fr Greg is a Jesuit who is relocating to Queensland with Fr Frank Brennan SJ to start a new Jesuit community within a new configuration of Toowong, Indooroopilly and St Lucia parishes.

Holy Family Parish marked and celebrated Fr Greg’s departure on Sunday 26 November, the Feast of Christ the King, with a farewell celebration at the Holy Family Primary School. But before he could step inside, he was swarmed by churchgoers asking for hugs and photos.  

Then, after a shared meal, Fr Greg was treated to songs, dances, and speeches filled with thanks, from the melting pot of cultures that together make up the Holy Family “community of communities”, a phrase often used by Fr Greg to describe this culturally diverse and vibrant Catholic community

Fr Greg lapped up the celebration with a giant smile on his face.  

Fr Greg Jacobs SJ at his farewell at Holy Family Parish, Mt Druitt on Sunday 26 November 2023. Image: Diocese of Parramatta

“I do go away in sadness but also strengthened,” Fr Greg told the room.  

“I’m very thankful for the 10 years I’ve been part of this community. It’s been a real time of growth for me; you’ve shown me how to come alive.” 

“Thank you all for the blessing you have been to me” — Fr Greg Jacobs

When God closes a door, He opens a window 

Fr Greg holds six degrees, including a Master of Science. His first job was as a chemist in agriculture, separating lanolin from wool in Wagga Wagga, where he grew up.  

Today he is a Jesuit priest in one of the most disadvantaged areas in the Diocese of Parramatta and a police chaplain in a busy police area command, with high reporting of domestic violence and far too many Aboriginal and Pacific Islander people trapped behind bars, locked away from family, employment and schooling.  

According to the latest Census, in Blacktown City, 12.8 per cent of families are single-parent, compared with 10.5 per cent in Greater Sydney. 

Fr Greg said that in many ways it is the mothers in the parish and the church who are the role models. “And not just for me, but the other priests,” he clarified. 

Fr Greg Jacobs SJ speaks during his farewell Mass at Holy Family Parish, Mt Druitt on Sunday 26 November 2023. Image: Diocese of Parramatta

In late December, he will be softly closing the door on his life in Western Sydney and heading back to Brisbane, where he did a stint as an assistant priest before moving to Holy Family Parish nearly 10 years ago. 

“I’m excited about the challenge of looking after three parishes,” Fr Jacobs said. 

Holy Family Parish alive with the sound of music 

Fr Greg said music has been the great unifier across cultures at Holy Family. 

“That’s what we’re blessed with here, all these choirs They made up half the congregation here today,” Fr Greg said with reference to the Samoan, Tongan, Parish, Couples for Christ, and Jesus the True Vine choirs, who led the prayer and hymn singing during the 10.30am Mass that preceded his farewell. 

A combined parish choir is seen during a farewell Mass for Fr Greg Jacobs SJ at Holy Family Parish, Mt Druitt on Sunday 26 November 2023. Image: Diocese of Parramatta

He said his fondest parish memory was of his 50th birthday. He visibly lit up recounting the music and dancing.   

“Ï love it that they (the different ethnic groups) keep their culture alive and that they also share in the life of the wider community,” Fr Greg said. 

“I felt at home here” — Fr Greg Jacobs

Guests noted that this level of cultural pluralism was something no priest had been able to accomplish before Fr Greg, and for that they would be forever indebted to him. 

Of Tongan ancestry, Parish Secretary and chorister Malia Lolesio said he helped her realise her vision to establish a parish youth group “that captured the young people who aren’t part of the [ethnic] communities.” 

Monica Vave, 22, is a current youth leader. “Right now we’re at 20 (members) and pushing for more,” Monica said, crediting much of this growth to Fr Greg and Fr Pat.  

“They’re the dynamic duo, always here to lend a helping hand.” 

Fr Greg Jacobs SJ with young parishioners at his farewell at Holy Family Parish, Mt Druitt on Sunday 26 November 2023. Image: Diocese of Parramatta

Always one to lend an ear, his hand or his understanding  

Catholic Outlook lost count of the number of people who complimented Fr Greg on his listening ear, willingness to learn and to help anyone in need. 

“He’s definitely a great listener; that’s one of the things I’ve appreciated the most and that I’ll miss,” said Malia 

Fr Greg Jacobs SJ with Parish Secretary Malia Lolesio at his farewell at Holy Family Parish, Mt Druitt on Sunday 26 November 2023. Image: Diocese of Parramatta

“Sometimes life can be overwhelming and I have loved that I can knock on his door and unload. 

“He’s open to learning and goes out of his way to work on himself to better understand the community.” 

“He’s definitely someone you can talk to about anything and come away challenged or encouraged” — Malia Lolesio

Raymonde Chaperon, a parishioner of more than 50 years, said: “Ï want to thank him very much [because] he’s always helping me with talking and raising my spirits.” 

Parishioner Peto Kutschera said Fr Greg taught him “never give up”. “He was fighting some health problems and he still kept coming [to church],” Peto said, referring to Fr Greg’s’ recovery from a stroke.

Sr Carlene Allen RSM, the parish’s Pastoral Associate, lauded Fr Greg’s earnest and hardworking nature. 

Fr Greg said: “I’m only the person I am because you’ve encouraged that out of me. I’m sure I’ll make some excuses to come back here over the years.”  

Fittingly, he ended his speech with a sung blessing.  

Isabell Petrinic is a freelance writer and contributor to Catholic Outlook.

View images from Fr Greg’s farewell at Holy Family Parish, Emerton, here or below:



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