Marking 60 Years of Sacrosanctum Concilium at the Diocese of Parramatta Liturgy Conference

By Debra Vermeer, 27 June 2023
Fr Peter Williams AM, Vicar General and Moderator of the Curia, speaks to Year 12 students at the 2023 LIFTED Breakfast with the Bishop, co-hosted by Catholic Youth Parramatta and Catholic Schools Parramatta Diocese. Image: Diocese of Parramatta


The Catholic Church this year marks the 60th anniversary of the Second Vatican Council’s Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium, and the Diocese of Parramatta is hosting a conference looking at how the document has been implemented and how all parishioners can play a role in bringing the liturgy to life.

The ‘Liturgy: Faith Strengthened, Nourished and Expressed’ conference will be held on Saturday 15 July 2023 at St Andrew the Apostle Parish, Marayong.

Sacrosanctum Concilium and the Liturgical Reform 60 years on

Respected liturgist and Vicar General of the Diocese of Parramatta, Fr Peter Williams AM, will deliver the keynote address, entitled: “Sacrosanctum Concilium and the Liturgical Reform 60 years on”.

The conference will also include a range of workshops from people across the Diocese involved in different aspects of liturgical practice.

Sacrosanctum Concilium was the first of the Constitutions to be passed by the Second Vatican Council,” Fr Peter said.

“My keynote will look at what the Council was asking for in its liturgical reforms and ask ‘How have we responded to that’?”

He said that following the Council, which ended in 1965, a Concilium was set up to look at the reform of the liturgical books or rites.

How have the reforms from the Council been implemented?

“But the question is, how have we actually implemented that reform and the truth is that that implementation is still in progress, because liturgy is a living thing, it’s enacted every day in every parish.

“So, the reform of the liturgical rites was completed about 40 years ago, but we are still in liturgical renewal and as we celebrate this anniversary, it is a good time to look at how those reformed rites are being celebrated according to the principles of the Council.”

Fr Peter said while all are welcome at the Diocese of Parramatta Liturgy Conference, it is aimed particularly at people who are actively engaged in liturgical ministry in their parishes.

Fr Peter Williams AM, Vicar General and Moderator of the Curia, Diocese of Parramatta, delivers the homily during the 2023 Legal Red Mass at St Patrick’s Cathedral, Parramatta. Image: Diocese of Parramatta

This includes readers, acolytes, senior altar servers, people engaged in Children’s Liturgy of the Word, people in the school sector involved in preparation of liturgies for schools, liturgical musicians and clergy.

“It’s an opportunity to look at the way in which we engage in liturgical celebrations,” Fr Peter said.

The art of celebrating the liturgy

“There is a Latin term, Ars celebrandi, which means the art of celebrating the liturgy. There is an art to it, and I don’t think we’ve been particularly cognisant of that in the years since the Council.

“Everyone would have, at some time, had the experience of going to a Mass where the celebration wasn’t uplifting, it was flat, the people involved in the liturgy didn’t seem particularly engaged and consequently, neither did the congregation.

“This conference will encourage us all to really pay attention to the way in which we prepare and celebrate the sacred liturgy, because going to Mass shouldn’t be just like going to the supermarket, it should be something significant.”

Conference presenters

Workshop presenters at the conference will include: Mr Eric Grella on “Expressing our Faith – Music at Mass”; Mr Chris Ohlson on “A walk through Pope Francis’ Apostolic Letter Desiderio Desideravi”; Ms Sarah Alimangohan on “Discovering Sacred Art”; Br Bernard Mary Fonkalsrud OFM Conv on “We are called to Serve”; Deacon Roderick Pirotta on “RCIA Mystagogia – Drifter vs Pilgrim”; and Mrs Kirrily Aguilera on “Children’s Liturgy – Nourishing Faith”.

The ‘Liturgy: Faith Strengthened, Nourished and Expressed’ conference will be held on Saturday, 15 July 2023 at St Andrew’s Parish, Marayong. Registrations for the Conference are being taken now. Cost is $30 and includes lunch. Register here.

Debra Vermeer is a freelance journalist and contributor to Catholic Outlook


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