NSW Catholic Charismatic Renewal ‘catch the fire’ at Pentecost celebration

By Adrian Walker, NSW Catholic Charismatic Renewal, 13 June 2023
A view of the Pentecost celebrations of the NSW Catholic Charismatic Renewal (CCR) community. Image: Supplied


“Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” – Isaiah 43:19

“Catch The Fire” gathering on Pentecost Eve at the Seven Hills venue of The Servants of Jesus was a powerful experience of the power of the Holy Spirit. It was certainly an example of the Spirit “doing a new thing”. After more than 40 years of celebrating Pentecost Sunday at Greystanes, we were clearly called this year to gather on Pentecost Eve in an “upper room” experience, sharing prayer, praise, worship and witnessing followed by prayer ministry, and hence we focused our efforts on supporting our various parish celebrations by “catching the fire” on Pentecost Eve and then returning to fan the flames of the Spirit in our parishes on Pentecost Sunday.

An energetic group from Catholic Charismatic Renewal (CCR) Service Teams in Sydney and Parramatta and the Community of the Risen Lord collaborated with prayer groups from Sydney, Wollongong, Broken Bay, and Parramatta. As a result, some 300 people experienced an afternoon of the presence of the Holy Spirit who touched our hearts with the message of God’s unconditional love and of unity in diversity. The intimate ambience of the meeting hall was the perfect venue to respond to the gifts of the music of the Christ the Risen Lord music ministry who led us in a symphony of praise and gratitude for the graces of comfort and challenge we all received.

Amid music and praise, we heard about some wonders of God’s healing love in the witnessing of Wiranjan Pieris and Therese Ataya. Wiranjan related how he had coped with serious heart failure over some years until his only hope was a heart transplant. On a Friday, he was told there were 27 people ahead of him in the queue for a transplant it was likely he would die before his chance came. On the Sunday, just as his heart began a rapid decline, he received a call from the hospital as a donor had become available. He related that not only was the operation successful, but he was able to witness to doctors, nurses and fellow patients of the trust he and his family had placed in God and of the infinite mercy and love he had been shown.

Therese shared her story of suffering, experiencing loss and chronic physical illness which caused a sense of loss and grief. She described it as being in a dark cave and in this situation, she had been approached by Jesus and despite feelings of worthlessness, she allowed him to come close to her and to reassure her that he knew and understood her pain and she was loved beyond all measure. She encouraged us all to allow Jesus to do the same for each of us.

Fr Brian Steele, who had been prepared to tell the story of his journey with the Lord, abandoned his script in order to focus on the experience of the presence of the Body of Christ in the people gathered there and the communion which the Spirit creates among people from different backgrounds and different traditions. He encouraged us to bring the presence of the Holy Spirit to our parishes and communities. We are the garden of God who is pouring forth blessing ad healing on us and empowering us to go back home to our parishes and communities and bring forth the fire of the Holy Spirit.

Dinushi Fernando spoke on “how to catch the fire and save it”. Fire has three components – oxygen, fuel, and heat. The oxygen to catch fire is the Breadth of God. The fuel is the Sacrifices, Word of God, Devotion and Prayer life that feeds the fire, and heat which is the presence of Jesus in our daily lives. To catch fire, we need to be combustible – the ability to catch fire and burn easily. She quoted Isaiah, “where the refiner uses fire to make gold pure”, so the filling of the Holy Spirit is for purity, she then referred to Ezekiel 36:26 where “the Lord is going to take away a stony heart and give us a new heart of flesh”.

She then outlined a plan to “Stay Lit”. Firstly, linger around combustible material – people on fire and thirst, Secondly, serve God in whatever way you can, and thirdly the need to thirst for more – don’t be satisfied where you are. She urged us to be aware of our call to “Stay Lit” and to be the agents of wonders which Jesus wants us to perform through our faith in Him. The Lord is calling us to enter into the land and take possession of it and to do wonders.

She concluded with prophetic words of healing, confidence, and action. She displayed the Gifts of the Holy Spirit and encouraged all to consider which gifts we have and are we exercising these gifts. She prayed over the congregation to receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit and to use them to make the bones to rattle and go into battle mode and receive the fire of the Holy Spirit.

Finally, prayer groups touched the hearts and lives of those who came forward for healing and strengthening.

Our need for refreshment was catered for by helpers from several prayer groups and community groups. Another reason for rejoicing was the presence of those who have been helping Pentecost Sunday celebrations at Greystanes for many years including Fr Hugh Thomas, and others too numerous to name.

At a time when the Holy Spirit and Pope Francis are urging us to be Church in a new and more synodal way, our Pentecost experience of “Catching the Fire” suggests that we are listening.

With thanks to the NSW Catholic Charismatic Renewal (CCR).


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