Fr Paul Marshall wants to take you to Jabiru, Northern Territory, 1986. "I was in my fourth year of studies at the seminary at Manly. I was 28 years old and feeling jaded by the studies and the institutional grind. So, in July 1986, I booked a bus trip...
Australia’s Catholic bishops say the issues surrounding the proposed Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice “are not just political”, but are also “moral and ethical”, in a statement ahead of next month’s referendum....
We urge all Australians to listen to the hopes and fears of each other. We urge people to act in a way that commits to redressing the disadvantage suffered by the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and will allow them to reach their potential, thus promoting reconciliation for...
The heart of the Bishops’ message lies in an engagement with Indigenous Australians that is based not on distance nor the desire to help but on a love that will permeate and bring change to society and its politics....
I believe this coming Referendum draws a line in the sand for our nation. It is much more than a Voice to Parliament. It is about our willingness to recognise that from the very beginning of colonisation we have struggled to listen....
As Christians, we are called to love our neighbours (Mark 12:31) and to be peacemakers (Matt. 5:9). Voting for a Voice to Parliament (VP) that will more than likely cause division between Indigenous Australians and between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians, and whose complexity is likely to make it more...
The theme of NAIDOC Week this year reaches out to all Australians as we prepare for the Referendum on the Voice. It invites us to reflect on and respect Our Elders. This is a cause that joins First Nations Peoples and other Australians in a celebration of each of...
Phil Russo, who has been a parishioner at St Patrick's Cathedral Parish, Parramatta for over 50 years, believes it is time Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders in Australia are given the chance to be recognised in the Australian Constitution and advise the government on matters relating to their wellbeing...
A friendly presence by a qualified social worker at the Aboriginal Catholic Care Centre at Emerton in Western Sydney provided just the link Adam* needed to reach out for support and end his long-term experience of homelessness. ...