The Feast of The Holy Innocents

By the Diocese of Wollongong, 28 December 2022
'The Massacre of the Innocents' by Nicolas Poussin (1594–1665). Image: Wikimedia Commons


The Feast of The Holy Innocents

Readings: 1 John 1:5–2:2; Psalm 123(124):2–5, 7–8; Matthew 2:13–18

28 December 2022


“A voice was heard in Ramah, sobbing and loud lamentation.” Matthew 2:18


Sobbing and loud lamentation are not new to any of us either in our own lives, the world itself, or in those around us. Life can be so unfair, and we have no words to offer comfort. People lose their children, cruel things happen, floods sweep away a lifetime, savings are wiped out, little children are left in appalling circumstances, and it all seems just too much. Our hearts can’t take it. So, we switch off the television, refuse to read the newspapers. We think if we ignore it, then the anguish will all go away. There doesn’t seem any other answer.

Yet, an answer there must be, and Joseph provides it. He was in the habit of listening to God, and God gave him a dream. If we want a way through life’s pain, then it is time to listen to the God who is listening to you.

I knew a woman many years ago, a truly kind and unselfish person. Her alcoholic husband wound up in prison after years of causing abuse. She raised her children on next to nothing, witnessed the early death of her eldest, and still she had time for the sorrow of the people around her—a meal would turn up at their door, a bunch of flowers, a kind word sent, and I marvelled.

What was her secret? She, too, listened to God, spoke to him on a daily basis, and together they found a way along a path of pain. That can be so for you, too. In fact, you must already be listening or you wouldn’t be reading this reflection.

A little prayer to pray often: Open my heart, O Lord, and turn it in the direction of you. Amen.

Mother Hilda Scott OSB


Mother Hilda Scott OSB is the abbess of the Benedictine Sisters at Jamberoo Abbey, NSW. Prior to being elected abbess, Mother Hilda filled the offices of prioress, novice mistress and vocation director. She also engaged in spiritual direction, retreat giving and talks at the Abbey Retreat Cottages. Mother Hilda first became known to wider Australia through the ABC TV documentary, The Abbey. Prior to 1990, Mother Hilda was engaged in education at all levels, pastoral work, and spiritual guidance.


With thanks to the Diocese of Wollongong, who have supplied this reflection from their publication, Incarnate – Advent & Christmas Daily Reflections 2022Reproduced with permission.


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