As Laudato Si’ Week continues, you are invited to watch this recent presentation ‘Voices from the Amazon: Protecting the Indigenous and Healing the Planet’, hosted by the Center for Religion and Culture at the Fordham University in New York City.
The fate of our planet is tied to that of the Amazon rainforest. How are activists, religious leaders, and theologians working to protect the environmental and human diversity of this region?
Held on the Feast of the Annunciation and around the time of the United Nations’ Water Conference in New York, the gathering features religious leaders, activists, and theologians working to heal the Amazon, who discuss the current crisis and prospects for change—and reasons for hope.
If nations can work in concert to protect at-risk human rights and rescue the unique biodiversity of the Amazon, then we can make great steps in advancing social peace and the common good—as well as saving our common home.
With thanks to the Center for Religion and Culture at Fordham University.