The Diocese of Broome is an amazing community situated in the north west of Australia, the Kimberley. The Kimberley region is home to some of Australia’s oldest indigenous communities and picturesque landscapes.
The Diocese of Broome urgently requires volunteers to assist with the work of the local Church on Aboriginal Missions and is seeking a couple to assist the Priest in the community of Balgo and a couple to manage the Warmun Retreat Centre over the wet season. There are several other roles also available.
Placements are preferred for a period of 6 months.
Volunteers play an important role in the parishes which they serve while helping the diocese achieve it’s commitment to justice, reconciliation and peace in our land.
Applications to become a volunteer, either couples or singles, are always welcome as the community is continually growing and changing. If you would like to join a fantastic team and offer your skills then the Diocese of Broome would love to hear from you.
In return for being part of the team the Diocese offers accommodation, living expenses and an allowance.
Anneliese Rohr
Co-ordinator Catholic Volunteers
PO Box 76, Broome, WA, 6725
Phone: 08 9192 1060
Mobile: 0415 526 142
For more information, please visit:
Read about a volunteer from the Diocese of Parramatta working in the Kimberley here.