Want to deepen your faith? Become an SRE Catechist

By Antony Lawes, 10 January 2024
Bishop Vincent Long OFM Conv, Bishop of Parramatta, with SRE catechists including Peter Carroll (sixth right) who were recognised with a Papal Blessing for 20 years of service at the Annual Confraternity of Christian Doctrine (CCD) Mass and Awards Ceremony at St Patrick's Cathedral, Parramatta, in November 2023. Image: Diocese of Parramatta


The need for scripture teachers in public primary schools across NSW has increased dramatically in the past few years, following the retirement of many of these volunteers, particularly as a result of the pandemic.

Such is the demand for these teachers – or SRE Catechists as they’re called – that the Diocese of Parramatta, with the help of local parishes, is stepping up the search.

There are 780 SRE Catechists in the Diocese, of which 200 are senior students from local Catholic secondary schools, teaching almost 14,000 students in local primary schools.

But Merilyn Hancock, the Head of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine in the Diocese, which helps parishes recruit and support SRE Catechists, said the need keeps growing.

“We are short of SRE Catechists because during COVID some SRE Catechists left and they haven’t been replaced,” she said. “In other cases there is a natural attrition of older SRE Catechists. We have more students than we have SRE Catechists to teach.”

SRE Catechists during the Annual Confraternity of Christian Doctrine (CCD) Mass and Awards Ceremony at St Patrick’s Cathedral, Parramatta, in November 2023. Image: Diocese of Parramatta

She said SRE Catechists were important as they spread the joy of the Gospel to children who otherwise may not get a chance to hear it.

“We want children to know God loves them and give them opportunities to learn about loving God,” she said.

“Jesus said: ‘anyone who welcomes these little children welcomes me’.”

Merilyn said SRE Catechists needed to be prayerful, live a Christ-centred life, be passionate about sharing their faith, and enjoy being with children. But once they had been approved by their Parish Priest, completed a Working With Children Check and safeguarding requirements for the Diocese, and attended training, they only had to give up one hour a week – 30 minutes to prepare the lesson and 30 minutes of class time.

Merilyn said: “Your own faith formation is enhanced and you always get so much out of it, in terms of ‘seeing a need and doing something about it’, as St Mary of the Cross MacKillop said.”

Maureen Freeburn has been a SRE Catechist for 40 years in the Mt Druitt and Blacktown area, and for her the act of teaching the Scriptures has deepened her faith and taught her to be less cynical and sceptical about the world.

Bishop Vincent Long OFM Conv, Bishop of Parramatta, with SRE catechists Laura Eid (left) and Maureen Freeburn (right) who were recognised for 40 years of service at the Annual Confraternity of Christian Doctrine (CCD) Mass and Awards Ceremony at St Patrick’s Cathedral, Parramatta, in November 2023. Image: Diocese of Parramatta

“The students themselves have given me that inspiration,” she said.

She has taught at more than a dozen schools over the years, and currently teaches at six.

The main qualities she thinks that are necessary to be an SRE Catechist are patience, a sense of humour – “especially when it comes to technology” – and, most importantly, “to be able to see each child through God’s eyes”.

“And they should be able to see His love reflected back at them,” she said. “They need to know that they are loved abundantly, absolutely by God.”

Melanie Casha’s inspiration to become a student SRE Catechist came from listening to her mother teach Scripture to other students when she was very young.

Now a Year 10 student at Bede Polding College, South Windsor, she said her mother encouraged her to apply to become a SRE Catechist for one year as part of her study of Religious Education, and she was very grateful that she did.

Student SRE Catechist Melanie Casha from Bede Polding College, South Windsor at the Annual Confraternity of Christian Doctrine (CCD) Mass and Awards Ceremony at St Patrick’s Cathedral, Parramatta, in November 2023. Image: Diocese of Parramatta

“Becoming a student catechist is a great way for young people to get involved with the faith community,” she said.

“I enjoy walking around helping the kids who are struggling with their activity book and playing games with them to help them learn the true meaning of the Scriptures in a way they can understand.”

If you are interested in wanting to share your faith and the love of God with students in our public schools, contact your local parish or reach out to Maree in the CCD office on (02) 8838 3486 or email maree.collis@parracatholic.org

This article was originally published in the 2023 Advent and Christmas | Summer edition of the Catholic Outlook Magazine. You can read the digital version here or pick up a copy in your local parish.


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