Chris del Rosario: I am in service to His people

15 May 2018
The Ordination to the Diaconate of Christopher del Rosario will take place on 26 May 2018. Image: Diocese of Parramatta.

The Ordination to the Diaconate of Christopher del Rosario will take place on 26 May 2018 at St Monica’s Church, Richmond.

Christopher spoke to Catholic Outlook about his upcoming ordination, reflecting on his life and the positive influence of his large family.


Catholic Outlook: Why did you decide to become a priest?

Christopher del Rosario: I was attending the opening mass of [World Youth Day] WYD 2011 in Madrid when I had some sort of spiritual experience. I gazed into the Eucharist during the consecration and had an inkling that God was asking something of me. I didn’t know what it was but I knew it was something.

After a lot of questions and plenty of tears I realised that God had asked priesthood for me. At first I was quite hesitant as I always longed for a family. However after speaking with several priests it was clear that true happiness was found in responding lovingly and wholeheartedly to God. After taking that leap of faith I can happily say that this experience has been truly wonderful.


CO: What role does God play in your life?

CdR: God plays the most important role in my life in that I desire to dedicate my life to Him. In Him I’ve found true happiness and I can think of no other way to better serve Him than by being a priest of Jesus Christ in service to His people.


CO: How do you feel?

CdR: I’m very happy and excited, but I’m also nervous. I’m happy and excited because this is what I’ve worked and prayed towards for the last six years. I’m nervous because there is still that thought of “Am I truly ready to be God’s instrument?” I do however know that this thought is humbling in that it’s a reminder to constantly rely on God’s grace to transform the world. To move from self-reliance, to complete surrender to God.


CO: Are there any saints you have a devotion to?

CdR: The first that comes to mind is Our Lady, the Mother of Our Lord. She is the perfect disciple and example for everyone to follow. Through her fiat Christ took on humanity and ultimately saved us all. I have constantly asked her for guidance over the years and I’m certain I’ll continue to do so in ministry.

St Joseph and St John Vianney are the other saints that I have a special devotion to. St. Joseph of course being the spouse of Mary, displayed complete surrender to God through his life. St John Vianney also showed surrender to God but through his vocation as a priest. I’m always amazed at his devotion to God though his ministry. He showed what it meant to be an alter Christus, another Christ, by constantly being available to the people of Ars [Ars-sur-Formans, France] by means of his presence, but most importantly through the sacraments.


CO: What do your family think of your ordination to the diaconate?

CdR: They are very happy and excited for the day. It has always been a dream of my parents to have a priest in the family. However they never really expected one of their sons to have a vocation to the priesthood. Now that things are coming to fruition they are now asking God what they did to deserve this blessing. In their own words, “Chris having a vocation to the priesthood was totally unexpected, however we are extremely grateful to God for this wonderful blessing.”


CO: What message do you have to other young men discerning a vocation to the priesthood?

CdR: The journey to the priesthood is an exciting and exhilarating experience, where you strive to fall in love with the Lord each and every day, ultimately aspiring to dedicate your life to Him. So take that leap of faith and surrender yourself to God! Entrust you life to Jesus Christ through his Most Blessed Mother Mary and you’ll never fall short of true happiness.


CO: Any other final thoughts?

CdR: I ask that all keep Jessie, Jack and myself in your prayers. Without your prayerful support we wouldn’t be here. So please pray for us as we prepare for ordination and that we be faithful ministers of Jesus Christ in service to His people.


Christopher del Rosario will be Ordained to the Diaconate on 26 May 2018.

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