The latest Religious Education Curriculum released by Catholic Schools Parramatta Diocese (CSPD) in partnership with Bishop of Parramatta, Bishop Vincent Long OFM Conv in August 2024 has received express commendation from Archbishop Rino Fisichella of the Vatican’s Dicastery for Evangelization, by letter to Bishop Vincent dated 21 January 2025.
The Curriculum titled Encountering Jesus has been made available for use by our school communities in 2025. It was developed by Religious Education leaders in the Diocese of Parramatta and endorsed by leading Catholic theologians, Catholic Scripture scholars, and experts in Catholic religious education.
In a letter to diocesan clergy, Catholic Schools Parramatta Diocese CEO Jack De Groot write that Encountering Jesus invites all students to consider how the teachings of Jesus Christ can apply to their lives.
“This high-quality, theologically sound Catholic Religious Education Curriculum has been endorsed by a range of expert theologians, scripture scholars and Catholic religious education experts,” Jack wrote.
“This has most recently included an official endorsement from the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith and an official commendation from Archbishop Rino Fisichella Pro-Prefect for the New Evangelization section of the Dicastery for Evangelization.”
In the letter from Archbishop Rino Fisichella, he writes:
“I am pleased to commend the efforts of the diocesan bodies in providing teachers with a valuable tool for their service in schools. I especially would like to note how the new volume, which is inspired by the Directory for Catechists, presents an integral understanding of the experience of faith.
By appropriately organizing the formative content around the triptych “Head, heart, hands,” students are offered the opportunity to deepen their understanding of the Catholic faith in its various dimensions, thereby facilitating their personal believing response.
“Furthermore, the continuous referral to families and parish communities ensures continuity to the educational action that takes place in schools.”
Jack De Groot wrote, “We continue to work closely with theologians and scripture scholars from the Catholic Institute of Sydney and the University of Notre Dame Australia to provide professional learning and formation resources of the highest quality for our teachers.”
He added, “My prayer for CSPD is that our new Religious Education Curriculum lives up to its name and enable all of our students to encounter Jesus Christ and, through this encounter, find inspiration, meaning, purpose and peace.”
View the letter from Archbishop Rino Fisichella to Bishop Vincent Long dated 21 January 2025.
For a copy of Encountering Jesus, visit the CSPD website.