Laudato si’: Polarisation and Conversion

29 June 2024


Bishops, theologians, and lay leaders gathered at the University of San Diego in February 2024 for the third ecclesial gathering known as “The Way Forward,” an effort to foster honest dialogue within the Catholic Church and to promote the path set out by the Second Vatican Council and Pope Francis.

In this year’s meeting, the focus was on implementing Francis’s landmark encyclical on care of the earth, Laudato Si’.

The ecclesial gathering, “Laudato Si’: Protecting Our Common Home, Building Our Common Church,” was organized by Boston College, Fordham University, Loyola University Chicago and Sacred Heart University.

The previous two “The Way Forward” conferences in 2022 and 2023, which have sought to promote Francis’ papacy and priorities, have focused on synodality and the broader resistance to the pope in certain quarters of the U.S. church.

Read more about the conference on National Catholic Reporter.

With thanks to the Center on Religion and Culture at Fordham University, New York.


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