Positions vacant
1. Graphic Designer & Team Support – Brand, Networking, Video: The Institute for Mission at Blacktown requires a full-time team member who specialises in graphic design. Applications close on 31 January 2017. For a position description, click here.
2. Assistant Housekeeper: Holy Spirit Seminary at Harris Park has an opening in housekeeping services. The position is part time (two days per week). Applications close on 6 February 2016. For further information please contact the Rector, Fr John Hogan, tel (02) 9637 1055.
Pilgrimage to Israel Information Night: 6 February 2017
Fr Paul Marshall, Parish Priest of Our Lady Queen of Peace, Greystanes, is accompanying a pilgrimage to the Holy Land from 7-21 October 2017. An information night will be held on Monday 6 February 2017 at Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish, 198 Old Prospect Rd, Greystanes. RSVP for catering purposes (Middle Eastern treats) by Friday 27 January 2017, tel 1300 550 830 or katrina@olivetreetravel.com.au Bookings are being taken up to early February 2017. Download the brochure: Fr Paul Marshall Holy Land 2017. For further details and a booking form, please contact the parish office tel (02) 9631 8135.
Launch of Social Justice Paper Human Trafficking and Slavery – A response from Australian Catholics: 8 February 2017
World Day of Prayer, Reflection and Action Against Human Trafficking will be the diocesan launch of Human Trafficking and Slavery – A response from Australian Catholics. Join Bishop Vincent Long OFM Conv and Sr Noelene Simmons SM as we launch this very informative publication and engage in the issues and responses that we can make. From 7.30pm-9.00pm at the Institute for Mission, 1-5 Marion St, Blacktown. RSVP to Sr Louise McKeogh FMA at Lmckeogh@parra.cathic.org.au or nswprojects@acrath.org.au
Mass for World Day of the Sick: 9 February 2017
Everyone is welcome to this annual Mass in acknowledgment of carers and those for whom they care. Includes the Sacramental Rite of Anointing of the Sick and Prayers for Healing. Bishop Vincent Long OFM Conv will be the principal celebrant for Mass at 10.30am in St Patrick’s Church, 51 Allawah St, Blacktown, in Mary, Queen of the Family Parish. Plenty of parking – refreshments to follow.
Catholic Charismatic Renewal 50th Anniversary: 17-19 February 2017
Everyone is invited to join CCR’s Holy Spirit Mission for a weekend of Renewal, Restoration and Revival. Bishop Vincent Long OFM Conv will preside at the opening Mass in St Patrick’s Cathedral in Parramatta on Friday 17 February 2017 at 7.30pm. On Saturday & Sunday, the program at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, Seven Hills, includes children’s ministry, Reconciliation from 1.00pm-2.00pm, exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, closing Mass at 4pm on Sunday 19 February. Presenters include: the Archbishop of Canberra & Goulburn, Most Rev Christopher Prowse, and Fr Ken Barker MGL. Entry is free. For more information, click here.
Liturgical Ministry Courses
The Office for Worship is offering Liturgical Ministry Courses which are open to all parishes and individuals seeking formation and training for serving at the altar. Held at the Diocesan Assembly Centre in Blacktown on Mondays and at St Nicholas of Myra in Penrith on Thursdays, the formation courses are for anyone who is interested in becoming a Minister of the Word, Holy Communion, Communion to the Sick and Dying, Adult Altar Server or Acolyte. Download an enrolment form: 2017-LMC-Enrolment-Form-FEB(1). For more information, please contact the Office for Worship tel (02) 8838 3456 or send an email to MLWalsh@parra.catholic.org.au Bookings close 16 February 2017.
Pilgrimage Information Session: 12 March 2017
Fr Wim Hoekstra EV, Parish Priest of St Michael’s Parish, Baulkham Hills, is accompanying a pilgrimage ‘Of Celtic Saints, English Martyrs and Aussie Links’. The pilgrimage to Ireland, Scotland and England will depart on 25 September and return on 25 October. Some of the saints are: John Henry Newman, Patrick, Oliver Plunkett, Catherine McAuley, Columba, Mary MacKillop, Hilda of Whitby, Venerable Bede and Thomas Becket. English martyrs Margaret Clitheroe, Edmund Campion and John Fisher. Places include Birmingham, Stratford-upon-Avon, Oxford, Glastonbury, Dublin, Knock, Fort William, Iona, Holy Island (Lindisfarne), Durham, York, Cambridge, Walsingham, London and Canterbury.
Information afternoon starts 2.30pm in Downey Room, St Michael’s Parish Offices, 1-3 Chapel Lane, Baulkham Hills. Download the brochure: Fr Wim Hoekstra Pilgrimage 2017 For further information, send an email to Fr Wim or write to PO Box 1501, Baulkham Hills, NSW, 1755.
Posted on Tuesday 24 January 2017.