News & Events Weekly Update

7 June 2023


News and Events across the Diocese of Parramatta and beyond


Diocese of Parramatta Notices


Save Calvary Hospital 

There is a petition to the Members of the ACT Legislative Assembly to reverse a decision of the ACT government to compulsorily acquire Calvary Hospital in Canberra. This removes the ownership and management from Calvary Health Care – a Catholic operator – and gives the ownership to the government-run, non-faith-based Canberra Health Services instead. To find out more about the implications of this decision and to sign the petition please visit:   

Diocesan Synod 2023 – Join Bishop Vincent at a listening event! 

Over the next six weeks, Bishop Vincent is travelling throughout the Diocese and listening directly to people’s stories and suggestions about our Church. Join him at one of these locations to have your say. Events start at 6.30pm with light refreshments:  

  • Saturday 17 June at St Andrew the Apostle Primary School, Marayong. 
  • Saturday 24 June at Holy Spirit Primary School, St Clair.   

To register for your local consultation and to learn more about the Diocesan synod, visit 

Theology Hour – Vocations Panel: 7 June 

Catholic Youth Parramatta and Campion College combine to bring you Theology Hour – Vocations edition! Theology Hour seeks to create a space for young people aged 18-24, to receive formation and authentic connections in a casual, fun environment. The night will include a food truck, coffee van, expo stalls, bonfire, live panel, live music and more! Please join us on Wednesday 7 June from 6:30pm-9:30pm at Campion College, 8-14 Austin Woodbury Place, Toongabbie. Register here: 

Safe Parishes Week: 5 – 11 June  

From 5 to 11 June, we celebrate our third Safe Parishes Week in the Diocese. Safe Parishes Week is a tangible reminder of our shared commitment to having a zero tolerance of abuse across our Diocese. The Safeguarding team are presenting a Training Festival of mandatory and elective face to face modules at Bishop Bede Heather Centre in Blacktown. Please contact your Parish Office or for the full Safe Parishes Week Training Program. 

MET Natural Fertility Zoom: 8 June 

Have you ever wondered what Natural Family Planning (NFP) is? In this session we will explore how it’s different to contraception and why the Catholic Church encourages us to use it! You are warmly invited to attend a session on Thursday 8 June from 7-8pm via Zoom. To register and receive the link, please contact or call 0400 427 605. 

Diocesan Liturgical Conference: 15 July 

The Diocesan Liturgy Conference is on again in 2023! Save the date for Saturday 15 July at St Andrew the Apostle Parish, Marayong. Fr Peter Williams AM VG will be the Keynote speaker as we celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Constitution on Sacred Liturgy. The conference will include a variety of workshops such as nourishing faith in children and discovering sacred art. To register, please visit, scan the QR code or contact

MET Worship RCIA Teams Formation Seminars: Beginning 3 August 

MET Worship’s Formation Seminar for RCIA Teams will be commencing on Thursday 3 August throughout August from 7pm to 9pm at the Bishop Bede Heather Centre, Blacktown. New topics will be covered each week throughout the Seminar including Using Rituals, Mystagogia and more! To RSVP and to learn more about the seminar topics, please contact or call 0460 037 795. 

FaithLIFE – 3 Night Short Course on Scripture: Beginning 22 August 

Want to explore Christian spirituality? Sign up for the FaithLIFE 3-night short course on Scripture with Sr Patty Andrew, brought to you by the Mission Enhancement Team (MET). 6:30PM to 8:30PM on three Tuesday: 22 Aug + 29 Aug + 5 Sep. Downstairs @ Bishop Bede Heather Centre: 1-5 Marion Street, Blacktown NSW 2148. RSVP via 

Penrith Parish Room for Rent 

St Nicholas of Myra Parish in Penrith is renting out an upstairs office space next to Catholic Care, Penrith. Contact Rodney (Office Manager) at or call (02) 4721 2509 for photos and more information. 

Marriage Preparation Courses in 2023  

Getting married in 2023? Let the Diocese of Parramatta help you prepare. Visit to view weekend course dates in the New Year, to book and pay. An online preparation calledSmartLoving can also be booked via the website. For more information, email or phone Karin on 0419 242 435 or Marisa on 0412 280 017.  

Pastoral Formation Workshops at Your Parish

Looking for post-Covid ways to rejuvenate community attendance and involvement in your parish? Pastoral Formation are offering workshops on welcoming people to Church, digital/social media and reflection days for people in the second half of life. Contact the team to run any of these workshops face-to-face at your parish.

Soul Food Podcast – Pastoral Formation

Do you find life & faith inspiration by listening to the experiences of others?
Pastoral Formation’s Soul Food Podcast features life & faith stories of people from our diocesan family. Listen now for FREE via our website or on Spotify:  

Diocesan Food and Toiletries Drive for Refugees

Each week, Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) and the House of Welcome (HoW) provide much needed food and toiletry items to hundreds of Refugees from across the Diocese of Parramatta. These services depend on donations. You can organise a food and toiletries drive in your parish, school or workplace, or make a cash donation to support JRS and HoW. Find more information at or call JRS on (02) 9356 3888 or HoW on (02) 9727 9290.  

Diocese of Parramatta Tribunal available for in-person, virtual appointments  

The Tribunal of the Catholic Church in the Diocese of Parramatta is open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm for enquiries regarding marriage annulments. Interviews are being conducted in person with Zoom and telephone interviews available for those unable to attend the office. Please contact the Tribunal office on (02) 8838 3480 or email  

St Bernadette’s Lalor Park Wednesday Evening Devotions  

St Bernadette’s Parish, Lalor Park, is hosting weekly devotions to Our Lady of Lourdes and St Bernadette every Wednesday evening at 6.30pm with Adoration and Rosary and special prayers, followed by Mass at 7.30pm. All are welcome. For more information, contact the parish office on (02) 9672 4037 or  

Mass available for the Nigerian Catholic Community  

The Nigerian Catholic community come together to celebrate Mass every second and fourth Sundays of the month at 11am at Holy Family Church, South Granville, 200 The Trongate, Granville. For more information, please contact community chaplain Fr Chinonye Akamadu on 0451 174 438 or or Stella Nwosu on 0405 478 472.  

Mass available for the South Sudanese Catholic Community 

The South Sudanese Catholic community come together to celebrate Mass every Sunday at 2pm at Mary, Queen of the Family Catholic Parish, 51-59 Allawah Street, Blacktown 2148. For more information, please contact Deacon John Cinya on (02) 9622 1125 or  

Free English and Citizenship Classes 

Catholic Care Western Sydney and the Blue Mountains are offering English and Citizenship classes at its All Saints of Africa Centre, 63 Allawah St, Blacktown. Courses are subsidized by the New South Wales Government. Please register to participate in the program by contacting 0477 952 024. You can also contact Nepean Community College on (02) 4724 9000. 

Refugee Week Creative Showcase: 16 June  

Join us for an inspiring event featuring participants of the JRS Australia Leadership Program reflecting on this year’s Refugee Week theme: ‘Finding Freedom’. Experience a creative showcase including speeches, poetry, short film and art on Friday 16 June at 6pm at the Cloister Room, St Patrick’s Cathedral, 1 Marist Pl, Parramatta. Parking available onsite. RSVP via 


Other Notices 


PALMS Australia Mission: Transform Lives – theirs…and yours  

Communities in Africa, Asia or the Pacific are seeking Australians from a variety of professions and trades to share their skills and knowledge with those who have few other chances for training. Build enduring global relationships while assisting sustainable, self-reliant, community development. Explore 35 positions by scanning the QR code below. On our website you can also see news including stories from those currently supported in Timor-Leste, Samoa, American Samoa and Thailand. Please enquire further about potential assignments for you or someone you know by calling (02) 9560 5333 or 0422 472 567 or visit 

St Vincent Pallotti Scholarship Trust 

The St Vincent Pallotti Scholarship Trust offers scholarships to enable lay people to further their understanding and skills in leadership/ministry or a specialised activity, such as promoting faith enhancement, social justice and pastoral care. More information and Applications Forms are available on our website Applications close 4 August 2023. 

Divine Retreat Centre offerings in June 

The Divine Retreat Centre in Somersby, NSW is hosting a variety of single-day and weekend retreats throughout June, including a Couples Growth retreat and its monthly one-day pilgrimage. For more information and bookings, please contact (02) 43721598 or email to confirm attendance. Visit for more information. 

Sydney Archdiocese & Parramatta Diocese Multicultural Mass: 18 June  

Migrant chaplains and people from all ethnic communities in the Diocese of Parramatta and Archdiocese of Sydney are invited to a Multicultural Mass on Sunday 18 June at 2pm at St Mary’s Cathedral, Sydney. Bishop Vincent Long will be the principal celebrant and all are welcome to attend. If you have any questions, please contact Fr Roland Maurer EV or Kylie Cullen via   

Catholic Social Services Australia webinar series on The Voice: 29 June and 27 July 

Catholic Social Services Victoria, in conjunction with Catholic Social Services Australia, is pleased to invite you to join them for a series of webinars to learn more about the upcoming referendum on the Indigenous Voice to Parliament. Learn from legal, historical and theological experts and hear from Indigenous people about their experiences, hopes and concerns for The Voice referendum. To book tickets, please visit 

Catholics in Coalition for Justice and Peace (CCJP) Event: 29 June 

Catholics in Coalition for Justice and Peace are hosting a seminar on The Australian Constitution and The Voice on Thursday 29 June from 4pm – 6pm at the Sisters of Mercy Convent, 4-6 Victoria Road, Parramatta. Parking is available in the St Patrick’s Cathedral carpark and surrounding streets. The speaker is Dr Anne Twomey AO, the key constitutional lawyer involved in determining the wording of the Referendum. For further information, contact CCJP on (02) 9745 0820 on Wednesdays only or email  

Please note, some of these notices have been provided to the Diocese of Parramatta, with the request they be made available to parishes and parishioners. The Diocese of Parramatta makes these notices available for information purposes only and does not expressly endorse any of this material, unless otherwise specified. The Diocese of Parramatta cannot be held responsible for any inaccurate or defamatory content.


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