The Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God

By the Diocese of Wollongong, 1 January 2025
A mosaic from Hagia Sophia depicting Christ held by the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Seat of Wisdom. Image: Wikimedia Commons


The Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God

Readings: Numbers 6:22–27, Psalm 66(67):2–3, 5, 6, 8, Galatians 4:4–7, Luke 2:16–21

1 January 2025


“May the Lord uncover his face to you and bring you peace.” NB 6:26

It is said of Moses that he was God’s intimate friend, one who spoke with God “face to face” (Ex 33:11). There, in God’s presence in the tent of meeting, Moses’ own face would become so radiant that the people begged for him to cover it with a veil. Knowing his closeness to God, the people asked Moses to intercede for them with God. However, God wants each of us to be his intimate friends. He asked Moses to bless the people in his name with that same hope that the Lord would “uncover his face” (Nb 6:26) to each of them and bring them peace.

Today, we begin our New Year under the patronage of Mary, Mother of God. Mary’s intimacy with God is unique, beyond anything Moses could imagine. When God revealed his face in his only Son, he entrusted it to Mary in a special way. As he first opened his eyes, they met her gentle gaze, and her steady presence consoled him as he finally closed them on the cross. How many “looks” were exchanged between them: silent adoration, questioning, understanding, delighting, and sorrowing. In his letter on the rosary, St John Paul II invited the Church to enter the “school of Mary” where we can learn from her to “read” Christ. Let us enter this school of Mary in 2025.

Lord, uncover your face to us and bring us peace. Amen.

Sr Mary Helen Hill OP

Sr Mary Helen Hill OP is a Dominican Sister of Saint Cecilia dedicated to the evangelisation and education of young people. She has served in several schools and Catholic university chaplaincies in Australia and is currently assigned to her home Archdiocese of Melbourne.

With thanks to the Diocese of Wollongong, who have supplied this reflection from their publication, The Sign: Advent and Christmas Reflections 2024Reproduced with permission.

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