As a Catholic theologian, I explore silence not just as the absence of sound but as God’s own language: a divine tongue speaking through the empty tomb of Jesus, the speechless grief of his disciples and the trembling joy of Resurrection....
The Apology embodied a better way – an honest view of the past and a generous example of acknowledging unfinished business and opening conversation about the future....
Finally, Pope Francis focuses on the call to the young person and how it should be seen and received in Church communities. He does not touch on a larger question - often taken for granted - whether priesthood and religious life as we understand them should have as prominent...
“Jesus went out” — this is a phrase that often appears in the Gospels. Where is Jesus going out from, and to what destination? ...
Christ has given them much love and grace. Their sins and their own personal qualities have not stopped Christ’s love for them. Seeing that, what is to stop them from taking that love and sharing it with others, helping Jesus’ work in the world continue until the end of...
But this kind of indifference is inherently unchristian. Oneness was close to the heart of Jesus. He wants all his followers at the same table, as we see in this parable....
Pope Francis insists on dialogue in the Church and in society but also speaks trenchantly of the urgent need to address the ecological crisis, to case from war, to curb the influence of self-interest in big media, and to welcome refugees....
When something has happened and is subsequently denied, that doesn’t just make a mockery of truth, it plays havoc with our sanity, not least with the one who is telling the lie....
Can the Church help put nuclear disarmament back on the table?...