Today’s gospel is the last scene prior to that eschatological discourse which concludes with Jesus telling us: ‘Be on your guard, stay awake, because you never know when the time will come.’ No matter what your politics, no matter what your level interest in the US election, no matter...
Youth wowed the community across greater Sydney with their enthusiastic efforts to collect signatures for a pro-life petition against horrific bills proposed to remove all protections for the unborn. For more information and to sign the petition, go to Youth for Life’s website. Over 42,000 signatures against the bills...
By Elise Harris, Catholic News Agency, 11 January 2017 Rome: On Wednesday 11 January, Pope Francis issued strong words against worshipping idols, cautioning against the false hope that beauty, wealth and power can give, using the example of a woman who once told him she had an abortion to...