On August 29, Our Lady of Mercy College Parramatta hosted its annual Women in Leadership Forum. A panel of inspiring women shared their experiences of the challenges they faced along their pathway to success. Mercy Girls and their families, Sisters of Mercy Parramatta, students from other schools and OLMC...
The 2016 beneficiary of OLMC Parramatta’s Mercy Tree social justice initiative is Jesuit Social Services, a social change organisation with a vision of building a just society by working with those most in need to make a real, sustainable difference. Planted and blessed in early 2012, the Mercy Tree...
The 2016 beneficiary of OLMC Parramatta’s Mercy Tree social justice initiative has this month been announced as Jesuit Social Services, a social change organisation with a vision of building a just society by working with those most in need to make a real, sustainable difference. Planted and blessed in...