Like all human institutions, the Church has often failed. But it is more than its failures, and much more than the endless quarrels over Vatican II or the papacy or sexual morality. It is first and foremost about the belief that “Christ has been raised,” and that those who...
At a Mass of suffrage for Benedict XVI marking the second anniversary of his death, Cardinal Kurt Koch highlights the theological legacy of the late Pope Emeritus and his central message of God's eternal love....
He describes himself as an ordinary, faithful man by all accounts. But due to a series of consecutive coincidences (or divine providence) in 2008, it so happened that he met, and was blessed by, Pope Benedict XVI during the World Youth Mass among half a million attendees at Randwick...
In his homily at the Requiem Mass for Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, Pope Francis commends his predecessor into the loving hands of God the Father, and prays that his joy may now be complete as he contemplates the Lord face to face. “Father, into your hands I commend...
Read more about this youth group leader and university philosopher Dominic Dimech, 24 years old, is a leader of the youth group ‘BasicGift’, at Holy Spirit Parish, St Clair. The middle child of four in a Maltese family, he is an articulate and affable young man completing a doctorate in...
By Jordan Grantham, Catholic Outlook Joseph Aloisius Ratzinger, known as Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, was born in the German town of Marktl, Bavaria, on April 16, 1927. April 16, 2017 was his 90th birthday. He was born on Easter morning and baptised that day with the newly blessed...
Br Patrick Howlett FMS was honoured for his commitment to and advancement of Catholic education in New South Wales, at The University of Notre Dame‘s Sydney Campus Graduation Ceremony on 14 March 2017. A pioneer of Catholic education in the Marist tradition for more than 50 years, Br Patrick...