In early November, a South Sudanese contingent from the Diocese of Parramatta made the journey to Adelaide for the one-year memorial of the death of Emeritus Bishop Paride Taban from South Sudan. ...
Shirley Wehbe, a pillar of the Lebanese and Catholic community of Parramatta, and the wife of the late Parramatta icon Ray Wehbe, is bringing back the annual Parramatta Christmas Day brunch for the homeless with the Making a Difference for Christmas Committee. ...
Everyone is warmly invited to a Remembrance Mass and Prayers for our clergy who have died....
No witches, skeletons or zombies here! Across the Diocese of Parramatta parishes provided fun and entertaining events on 31 October, All Hallows Eve - the vigil of All Saints Day on 1 November. ...
As ‘one church’ in mission, there are many insights to be shared between parishes and dioceses here and overseas. That’s why a delegation from the Diocese of Auckland made the hop “across the ditch” to the Diocese of Parramatta to understand more about the successful Ambrose early childhood services,...
Earlier this month, Bishop Vincent Long OFM Conv, Bishop of Parramatta, called for nominations to two key consultative bodies: the Diocesan Interfaith Commission and the Diocesan Pastoral Council. ...
For many in the Church ‘age’ is a big question. Where are all the young people? Will we have any people in the pews in coming decades? Are all our priests too old? What about our ageing congregations? Can we as Catholics, take care of our ageing population? ...
Following the recent spate of attacks in Sydney churches and around the world, the Diocese of Parramatta hosted a forum by the NSW Police to discuss hate crimes, terrorist threats and general security....
The reality of the church in Mongolia is that it’s one of the few local churches that really resemble the original setup of the church described in the Acts of the Apostles, says His Eminence Cardinal Marengo. ...