On Monday 18 March, St Patrick’s Cathedral hosted its first-ever St Patrick’s Day Community Breakfast to bring together organisations and individuals from Parramatta who all have a similar focus – being in service to others.
From the Mayor, Deputy Mayor, and Councilors to the local police and emergency services, Salvation Army, Parramatta Mission, NSW RSL, Catholic Mission, Campion College, students and teachers from local schools, law firms and more, the packed hall was buzzing with St Patrick’s Day excitement and the chance to connect with new people.

Participants during the St Patrick’s Day Community Breakfast at St Patrick’s Cathedral Hall, Parramatta. Image: Diocese of Parramatta
A highlight was the keynote speech from Carly Ryan from Orange Sky which operates the world’s first mobile laundry service. Every week in Prince Alfred Park, Parramatta, their bright orange van can be seen providing free laundry, warm showers and non-judgmental conversation to hundreds of people doing it tough.
“When we think of homeless people, we tend to think that they suffer from mental illness or another disease. But what we are seeing is a lot of families, young people from the age of 11, and in particular women over 55,” she said.

Carly Ryan from Orange Sky speaks during the St Patrick’s Day Community Breakfast at St Patrick’s Cathedral Hall, Parramatta. Image: Diocese of Parramatta
“There are people you would never expect who find themselves homeless. We meet engineers and professionals who have made a few wrong decisions or been behind on a few payments and then find themselves homeless.”
An initiative of the Parish’s social justice committee, the purpose of the breakfast was “strengthening community through service: a Parramatta perspective” to foster unity and collaborate on initiatives, network, meet the Parish team and of course celebrate St Patrick’s Day.

Participants during the St Patrick’s Day Community Breakfast at St Patrick’s Cathedral Hall, Parramatta. Image: Diocese of Parramatta
Assistant Priest, Fr Tom Green, provided a special St Patrick’s blessing and Dean of the Cathedral, Fr Robert Riedling, opened the breakfast with prayer and highlighted the incredible work by all in the room to uplift and strengthen the bonds within the Parramatta community.
Irish dance champions from Halloran Dance School wowed the audience and all walked away with a sense of shared community and hope to serve together.

Irish dancers from Halloran Dance School perform during the St Patrick’s Day Community Breakfast at St Patrick’s Cathedral Hall, Parramatta. Image: Diocese of Parramatta
A heartfelt thanks to the St Patrick’s Cathedral Parish team for hosting such an important event.
View images from the St Patrick’s Day Community Breakfast here or below: