St Patrick’s Cathedral Parramatta
Charles Hyson is the newest Deacon in the Diocese of Parramatta, following his ordination at St Patrick’s Cathedral on the Feast of St Ambrose, in a Mass that was attended by hundreds of well-wishers. ...
Faith-filled spouses from across Western Sydney and the Blue Mountains have been recognised for their enduring love and fidelity during the Diocese of Parramatta Wedding Anniversary Mass. ...
Bishop Vincent Long OFM Conv, Bishop of Parramatta invites you to the Ordination of Menard Morales Gaspi on Thursday 21 November at 7.30pm at St Patrick’s Cathedral, Parramatta....
Multi-faith climate change services were held across Australia and the Pacific to support the launch of an open letter that calls on the Albanese Government to move beyond fossil fuels....
Tenebrae celebrated at St Patrick’s Cathedral...
Bach in the Cathedral...
Priest profile: Fr Bob Bossini - 'priesthood is still a beautiful and rewarding life'...
Parishioners and office workers gather to mark Ash Wednesday...
Growing in Holiness Series: Jazz finds solace in the Divine Mercy Chaplet...