Matt Maher to attend Australian Catholic Youth Festival. Matt is arguably the biggest Catholic name in global contemporary Christian music and the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference is delighted to announce he will be coming to Sydney for the Australian Catholic Youth Festival from 7-9 December 2017. The internationally acclaimed Canadian...
One year from today, Friday 9 December 2016, thousands of young people will gather for the final Mass of the Australian Catholic Youth Festival to be held in Sydney from 7 to 9 December 2017. The three-day festival is a youthful and energetic celebration hosted by the Australian Catholic...
The Year of Youth celebrates 10 years since World Youth Day was hosted in Sydney during 2008. It will focus on the theme, ‘Open New Horizons for Spreading Joy: Young People, Faith and Vocational Discernment’. The emphasis is on local discussion and dialogue in parishes, schools, youth groups and dioceses....
Posted on 27 July 2016 World Youth Day 2008 in Sydney changed the landscape of youth ministry nationally, the Australian bishops said yesterday during a national gathering of Australian pilgrims currently participating in World Youth Day (WYD) events in Krakow, Poland. The bishops joined more than 3000 young people...