As Norris and Higgins understand, the urge to communicate — even among hermits, even in a quiet movie house as we struggle to suppress our whispers — is the most human urge of all....
Since World War II, the pope has been a moral statesman, a global diplomat for peace. Pope Pius XII was a revered post-war figure whose silence on the Nazi round-ups of Jews in Rome became an issue only after his death. ...
Despite its 300-page length, I never felt bored or bogged down while reading, even though I had several deja vu moments in the second half of the book, especially in Chapter 23 (“In the Image of a God Who Smiles”), where Francis tells a series of Catholic jokes....
Seamus Heaney’s marvelous letters, once they are linked as they should be with Stepping Stones, the richly informative interviews Dennis O’Driscoll conducted with the poet over many years, should suffice as a working biography of the poet until the official life by Fintan O’Toole appears....
Shai Held’s newest book has all the makings of an instant classic....
In our veneration of the Holy Cross, especially as the wounded and crucified Jesus becomes real in our present life and our suffering world, may we be strengthened and inspired, “to weave the fabric of eternal life from the uncertainty, the pain and the suffering”....
Lost in Ideology lays out a roadmap of contemporary ideologies across the political spectrum, explains their appeal and tries to loosen their grip on us by diagnosing exactly how people get lost in them....
A new book by Michael McGirr is driven by the author’s belief that God might be humming a slightly different tune in your ear today than yesterday or tomorrow....
In 'The Uses of Idolatry', political theologian William T. Cavanaugh argues that we ought not think of ourselves as disenchanted but mis-enchanted, and in so doing he not only critiques the old secularisation narrative, but begins to write us a new story through which we might better understand ourselves and our...