Go make a difference

By Jack de Groot, 7 July 2023
Listening to the voices of our students at the 2023 Diocesan Project Compassion Launch. Image: CSPD


The Church belongs in the public square, making a difference to the world around us. The upcoming Synod – the first of its kind in the Diocese of Parramatta – is our opportunity to state anew and with relevance, our contribution to Western Sydney and the Blue Mountains, says Executive Director of Catholic Schools, Jack de Groot. And, he adds, through our Catholic Schools, we can find diverse voices our Church needs.

As the Church in Western Sydney and the Blue Mountains prepares to walk together and listen to voices within and beyond us at our upcoming Diocesan Synod, Catholic school students, staff and local families should recognise how valuable their voices will be in this process.

Our Catholic school communities play a crucial role in the current and future mission of our Church. We are called to form our students as disciples of Christ, to help them develop a deep and personal relationship with God, and to equip them with the skills and knowledge they need to be leaders in their communities and in the Church.

At the same time, our Catholic schools strive to be places of welcome and inclusion for all students and families, regardless of their backgrounds or circumstances. As Catholic educators, we encourage our communities to reach out to vulnerable members of our community and work together to build a more just and compassionate society.

During the Synod, we will be listening to one another and to the promptings of the Holy Spirit. This is discernment and it is central to our faith and to our decision-making processes. It challenges us to be open to new ideas and perspectives, to question our assumptions, and to seek God’s will above all else. It’s also a chance to look for ways that we can reach out to those on the margins of society, especially those who are struggling.

What are the big questions that our students are asking about their faith?

The questions that children and young people share at school help our staff to support them as they grow in faith and learning. They reveal the deep thinking of our children and young people who are our hope and inspiration for the future of the Church.

  • How do we make sense of our world?
  • How can we care for creation?
  • How can we be peacemakers in our world?
  • Why are people hungry in a world full of plenty?
  • Where does faith fit in today’s world?
  • How does our faith relate to other world religions?
  • Who is my neighbour?
  • Why do bad things happen?

Everyone involved with Catholic Schools in the Diocese of Parramatta will recognise these as fundamental values behind our schooling system. When you think about it, we live synodality every day.

I hope that fact alone will give everyone in our schools the confidence to take part in the Synod. You have something very worthwhile to say!

Simply go to the Synod website and answer the questions you’ll find there.

We need to have the readiness to be out and about for the benefit of all, to live out Bishop Vincent’s commitment to “Catholic education for all”.

We’re a Church on a mission to the world.

To learn how you can have your say through your family, friends, parish, school or local community, visit parracatholic.org/synod2023.

Bishop Vincent Long OFM Conv warmly invites applications for membership to the Diocesan Synod, which will be held from 12 to 15 October 2023. Submit your application by 31 July 2023 by visiting parracatholic.org/synod2023_membership/

Jack de Groot is Executive Director, Catholic Schools Parramatta Diocese.

This article was originally published in the 2023 Ordinary Time | Winter edition of the Catholic Outlook Magazine. You can read the digital version here.


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