News and Events across the Diocese of Parramatta and beyond
Diocese of Parramatta Notices
Emerton Parish NAIDOC Week Celebration: 11 July
To commemorate NAIDOC Week, which is celebrated from 7-14 July, you are warmly invited to a family-friendly NAIDOC celebration hosted by Holy Family Parish, Mt Druitt, Catholic Care, Baabayn Aboriginal Corporation and other partners on Thursday 11 July from 10am to 3pm at the Holy Family site, 252 Luxford Rd, Emerton. All are welcome to attend.
Bishop Vincent presents Dr Myriam Wijlens: 5 August
Internationally recognised Dutch theologian, ecumenist and consultor to several Vatican bodies, Dr Myriam Wijlens will be coming to Australia to deliver a series of free public lectures on the topic of ‘The prophetic voice of the laity in the renewal of the Catholic Church.’ Dr Myriam will be hosted by the Diocese of Parramatta as part of its “Bishop Vincent Presents” series on Monday 5 August at St Patrick’s Cathedral Hall, Parramatta, from 6pm. To register, please visit
Safeguarding Kids Art Competition
As part of our commitment to zero tolerance for any form of abuse or harm to children or any person, the Diocese of Parramatta is running our first Art competition for children and young people! Children and young people aged between 5 and 19 are invited to produce an artwork around the theme “My Church community is a safe place for me”. Entries close on Friday 26 July. For more information and to enter, please visit
Safeguarding Face-to-face Training Opportunities
The next session of face-to-face Mandatory Safeguarding Training will be held on Saturday 27 July at St John XXIII Parish, Glenwood-Stanhope Gardens for Modules 1-3. More training opportunities will be available throughout August and September. Please register directly for this training or for other convenient dates and locations by clicking on the training event at: For more information, please email:
#Active4Vocations at the City2Surf: 11 August
Are you up for fun, fitness, and fellowship? Get #Active4Vocations in the City2Surf on Sunday 11 August. Join the Parramatta Catholic Foundation #Active4Vocations team. Walk, stroll, jog, or run with our Holy Spirit seminarians, deacons, priests, and community. Scan this QR code or visit to register or donate. Funds raised support our Diocese’s seminarians to become priests. Thank you for getting #Active4Vocations.
Holy Hour for Vocations: 19 July
Please join us across the Diocese to pray for more vocations to the priesthood. Join us at St Patrick’s Church, Mary Queen of the Family Parish, Blacktown with Fr Tom Green on Friday 19 July from 6.30pm, followed by Mass. If you are interested in becoming a priest or would like more information, please contact our Director for Priestly Vocations, Fr Galbert Albino on (02) 4773 4321, 0450 821 812 or email
MET Natural Fertility Instruction Sessions
MET Natural Fertility are organising a series of instruction sessions on the Natural Family Planning methods offered by the Diocese of Parramatta via Zoom. Learn how to chart your cycle, space out pregnancies and identify the best time to reach your family goals.
- Billings Ovulation Method: Tuesday 23 July at 7.15pm
- Sympto-Thermal Method: Tuesday 30 July at 7.15pm
- Creighton Model FertilityCare System: Saturday 3 August at 1pm
To book your place or for further information or instruction, please contact Catherine on or call 0400 427 605.
Tri-Diocesan Social Justice Evening: 25 July
You are invited to a Tri-Diocesan Social Justice Evening with keynote speaker John Lochowiak, Chair of NATSICC. The event will reflect on the 2023-24 Social Justice Statement “Listen, Learn, Love: A New Engagement with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People”, and is hosted by the Diocese of Broken Bay, together with the Diocese of Parramatta and Archdiocese of Sydney: 25 July 2024, 6pm, The Epping Club (45-47 Rawson St, Epping). Please register by 17 July at
MET Worship Music Copyright Workshop: 30 July or 1 August
Calling all Parish musicians and members of our parish communities who create slides and booklets for our masses. Mr Eric Grella will be holding a workshop on THE IMPORTANCE OF COPYRIGHT. Bring all your questions to the Bishop Bede Heather Centre, Blacktown, on 30 July or to St Nicholas of Myra Parish, Penrith on 1 August at 7pm. RSVP via or email
MET Worship A Journey of Faith RCIA Seminars: Beginning 31 July
The MET Worship team are holding a series of seminars for RCIA coordinators to come together to learn and ask questions about how to run an RCIA program in their parish. The sessions will be held on Wednesdays (and one Tuesday) from 31 July to 28 August at the Bishop Bede Heather Centre, Blacktown. Participants may attend as many workshops as they are interested in. For more information and to register, please visit or contact or call 0460 037 795.
Peace, Justice and Ecology Table Talk – Housing for Everyone: 3 August
Many people in our communities struggle to find a home, due to high prices to rent or buy, lack of availability, or lack of social housing. At this Diocesan Table Talk, you are invited to hear and discuss inspiring stories from people affected and insightful information from an expert: 3 August 2024 from 7pm – 9:30pm (after Mass) at The Good Shepherd Parish, 130-136 Hyatts Rd, Plumpton. Light dinner will bw included. Please register at
MET Worship Serving at the Altar Seminar: 3 August
The Office for Worship are hosting a seminar for Acolytes and Ministers of the Altar (Senior Servers) on “Back to Basics of Serving at the Altar” on Saturday 3 August from 9.30am to 3pm at the Bishop Bede Heather Centre, Blacktown. Chris Ohlsen will present the seminar, which will revisit some of the basic principles in serving at the altar. Refreshments and lunch will be provided. To RSVP by 31 July, please contact or call 0460 037 795.
Adult Confirmation 2024 Formation Day: 24 August
The Office for Worship will host a Catechesis and Formation Day for those candidates (16+) interested in receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation this year. This will be on Saturday 24 August from 9.30am – 2.00pm at the Bishop Bede Heather Centre, Blacktown. A light lunch will be provided on the day. It is recommended that all sponsors attend the catechesis day. A contribution of $25 is suggested from the candidates to assist in covering the Catechesis Day. For more information please contact Lucy Woodbury on or 0460 037 795.
Diocesan Food Drives
Many vulnerable people in our community rely on the ‘food banks’ run by Jesuit Refugee Services and the House of Welcome, which operate thanks to donations from community food drives. All parishes and schools are encouraged to run a food drive for those seeking safety in Western Sydney and the Blue Mountains. Find out more information about how you can help at or emailing
Marriage Preparation Courses in 2024
Getting married in 2024? Let the Diocese of Parramatta help you prepare. Visit to view weekend course dates in the New Year, to book and pay. An online preparation called SmartLoving can also be booked via the website. For more information, email or Marisa on 0412 280 017.
Get your feed on the Soul Food Podcast
Do you find life & faith inspiration by listening to the experiences of others?
The Mission Enhancement Team’s Soul Food Podcast features life & faith stories of people from our diocesan family. Listen now for FREE via our website or on Spotify:
Diocese of Parramatta Tribunal available for in-person, telephone and Zoom appointments
The Tribunal of the Catholic Church in the Diocese of Parramatta is open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm for enquiries regarding marriage annulments. Interviews are being conducted in person with Zoom and telephone appointments available in certain circumstances. Please contact the Tribunal office on (02) 8838 3480 or email
Catholic Care Mamre Supported Playgroup
Catholic Care Western Sydney and the Blue Mountains are offering a free supported playgroup which operates on Thursdays from 10am to 12pm during school terms at Mamre House, 181 Mamre Rd, Orchard Hills. If you are interested in enrolling, please contact Mamre Supported Playgroup on (02) 8843 2506.
Free English and Citizenship Classes
Catholic Care Western Sydney and the Blue Mountains are offering English and Citizenship classes at Mamre House, 181 Mamre Rd, Orchard Hills, on a Tuesday and Wednesday from 10am to 2pm during school terms. Free childcare is available. If you are interested in enrolling, please contact Mamre Crèche on (02) 8843 2506 or Nepean Community College (02) 4724 9000.
Mount Schoenstatt Shrine Time Holy Hour for Youth and Young Adults
The Mount Schoenstatt community invite young and young adults for Holy Hour every fourth Sunday of the month from 7pm to 8pm at the Mt Schoenstatt Shrine, 230 Fairlight Road, Mulgoa, followed by a social gathering afterwards. There will be opportunities for praise and worship, prayer, reflection, confession and benediction. For more information, please contact Sr M Rita on 0493 026 628 or
Winbourne Learning How to See Reflection Day: 13 July
The Winbourne Edmund Rice Retreat Centre, Mulgoa, is holding a reflection day ‘Learning How to See’ on Saturday 13 July from 9.30am to 12.30pm. One of the keys to wisdom is that we must recognise our own biases, our own preoccupations and those things to which, for some reason, we refuse to pay attention. Cost is $15 per person. For more information or to book, contact (02) 4773 5555 or email
Jesuit Refugee Services Refugee Showcase Evening: 19 July
In the spirit of Refugee Week, please join us for a special event featuring a showcase by leaders with lived experience from the JRS Australia Refugee Leadership Program. The event will be held on Friday 19 July in the St Patrick’s Cathedral Hall from 6pm. Attendance is free and all are welcome. An optional $30 donation is available for those able to contribute. RSVP to secure your place at
Winbourne Key Learnings from Mark’s Gospel Reflection Day: 27 July
The Winbourne Edmund Rice Retreat Centre, Mulgoa, is holding a reflection day on key learnings from the Gospel of Mark on Saturday 27 July from 9.30am to 12.30pm. The messages in the Gospel are still appropriate in our times and uncovering it could be vital for your spiritual growth. Cost is $15 per person. For more information or to book, contact (02) 4773 5555 or email
Catholic Care Circle of Security Parenting Series: Begins 24 July
Catholic Care are hosting the Circle of Security Parenting series for parents and caregivers of children up to 18 years age. Learn how to understand your child’s emotional world, support your child’s ability to manage emotions and ensure your child feels secure. Sessions will be held over eight weeks from 24 July to 11 September from 10am – 12.30pm. Cost is $105 or $5 for concession card holders. To book, call (02) 8843 2500 or email
Catholic Care Keeping Kids in Mind Parenting Course: Begins 13 August
Parenting after separation can be difficult for you and your child. This Catholic Care course over five weeks is designed to assist you in supporting your child following family separation. The sessions are held every Tuesday online from 13 August to 10 September from 10am – 12.30pm. Cost is $150 or $50 for concession card holders. A certificate of attendance is issued on completion of the course. To book, call (02) 8843 2500 or email
Winbourne Being Peaceful Change Reflection Day: 17 August
The Winbourne Edmund Rice Retreat Centre, Mulgoa, is holding a reflection day on ‘Being Peaceful Change’ on Saturday 17 August from 9.30am to 12.30pm. “Before you speak of peace, you must first have it in your heart” (St Francis of Assisi). How might we achieve this unity and carry it forward? Cost is $15 per person. For more information or to book, contact (02) 4773 5555 or email
Catholic Care Bringing Up Great Kids Parenting Group: Begins 3 September
Parents and caregivers are welcome to join a parenting group designed by the Australian Childhood Foundation run over four sessions at Catholic Care’s Mamre House, Orchard Hills, from Thursday 3 September from 10am to 1pm. The course is supported by the free Mamre Creche. Numbers are limited, so express your interest by contacting (02) 8843 2500 or 0439 917 129 by 15 August.
Other Notices
ACBC Absent from the Table Survey
The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference is undertaking a research project aimed at investigating why some Catholics do not participate in regular weekly Sunday Mass. The survey, for those who self-identify as Catholics and are 18 years and over and who do not regularly attend weekly Mass on Sunday, is anonymous and will close on 20 August. The survey and information about the project can be found at
Australian Catholic Historical Society Talk: 21 July
The next event for the Australian Catholic Historical Society will be held in the crypt of St Patrick’s, Church Hill at 2pm on Sunday 21 July on “Crossing the Tiber: Australian Anglican converts to Rome from the 1840s to the 2000s” by Dr David Hilliard, Formerly Associate Professor in History, Flinders University Adelaide. Members, their guests, and visitors are most welcome and there is no charge. Details of the programme of the ACHS as well as resources on church history are on the website Enquiries may be directed to
Sydney Alliance Renters Forum: 24 July
The Sydney Alliance and the Tenants’ Union of NSW in partnership with the NSW Rental Commissioner will be organising a face-to-face forum to listen to the perspective of renters around access to and quality of rental properties, cost of living, energy and climate resistance. The forum will be held on Wednesday 24 July at the Blacktown Senior Citizens Centre from 5.30pm to 8.30pm. Please register via
Catholic Engaged Encounter Weekend: 17 – 18 August
How prepared are you for marriage? Engaged Encounter provides you with deeper insights into each other and into married life. We give you a chance to spend time together to strengthen and enrich your relationship. The next Engaged Encounter Weekend will be held on 17-18 August, with future dates in November and February 2025. For further information and to register, visit
Jesus Light of the World Communities Growth Formation Retreat: 23 – 25 August
The Jesus Light of the World Communities invites you to their Growth Formation Retreat from 23 to 25 August at The Collaroy Centre, Collaroy. The program includes Mass, talks, workshops and discussions and an hour of empowerment. Prices are $450 per person for single, or $360 per person twin share. For more information, please contact Helen on 0433 455 114 or email
St Vincent Pallotti Scholarship Trust Applications open
The St Vincent Pallotti Scholarship Trust offers scholarships to enable lay people to further their understanding and skills in leadership/ministry or a specialised activity, such as promoting faith enhancement, social justice and pastoral care. More information and application forms are available on their website Applications close 31 July 2024.
Divine Retreat Centre offerings in 2024
The Divine Retreat Centre in Somersby, NSW is hosting a variety of single-day and weekend residential retreats throughout 2024. For more information and bookings, please contact (02) 4372 1598 or email to confirm attendance. Visit for more information.
Please note, some of these notices have been provided to the Diocese of Parramatta, with the request they be made available to parishes and parishioners. The Diocese of Parramatta makes these notices available for information purposes only and does not expressly endorse any of this material, unless otherwise specified. The Diocese of Parramatta cannot be held responsible for any inaccurate or defamatory content.