News and Events across the Diocese of Parramatta and beyond
Special edition of Catholic Outlook
At the request of Bishop Vincent Long OFM Conv, Catholic Outlook will be back in print for a special, one-off December 2017 Christmas edition. This special edition will be a beautifully bound, 40-page, A4 magazine and will showcase the work of the parishes, ministries and agencies of the Diocese of Parramatta. Look out for copies in your parishes and schools from Monday 4 December.
Positions Vacant
Youth Minister – St Bernadette’s Parish, Castle Hill. More details at:
Christmas 2017 Mass Times
Christmas Mass and Reconciliation times across Western Sydney and the Blue Mountains can be found by visiting:
Year of Youth
This weekend launches the Year of Youth for the Australian Catholic Church. A time to refocus our faith communities on walking with young people in their midst and for young people to answer Pope Francis’ call to ‘open new horizons for spreading joy’. The Year of Youth invites the church into dialogue about the importance and life-giving presence of young people in the Church and society. It calls for dialogue and active engagement that reconnects and renews this generation of young people in the life of the Church ten years on since World Youth Day in Sydney. Please pray for the 19,000 young people from across Australia and the 2,500 from the Diocese of Parramatta sharing their faith at Olympic Park these last few days for the triennial Australian Catholic Youth Festival. For more information contact James Camden at Catholic Youth Parramatta (02) 8838 3428.
Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse
The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse will shortly release its final findings on public hearings, and its recommendations, related to the Catholic Church in Australia. The Diocese of Parramatta once again offers its unreserved and deepest apologies to those many people who have suffered because of the child sexual abuse that has occurred in the context of Church ministry. In particular, the Diocese of Parramatta apologises to survivors of abuse and their families for the hurt and suffering this abuse has caused throughout their lives. During the Royal Commission, the Diocese of Parramatta has strived to engage in their processes with openness, transparency and a commitment to learning about our history so that our child protection policies and procedures are strengthened and there is restored confidence in Church ministry. The Diocese of Parramatta is committed to continuously reviewing and improving its child protection policies and procedures. For more information please visit For more information please refer to the Royal Commission website:
For anyone needing information and support please contact the Diocese of Parramatta information line on (02) 8838 3419. Concerns or allegations about any criminal offence should be reported to NSW Police on 131 444.
Volunteers for the homeless needed
The Order of Malta requires volunteers to visit ‘homeless hotspots’ around Parramatta. Volunteer drivers, nurses and paramedics are needed to provide this service to Parramatta’s homeless. If you would like to learn more, please email
Campion College Summer Program
Campion College Summer program is forming young minds in faith and reason. Looking for 16 – 24 year olds to come join the Program on January 8-12 2018. Experience College life and a taste of the Campion College course: Literature, History, Hiking, Coastal Walks & Swims, Theology, Philosophy, Sports, Other Activities. Registration: $390 per person Financial assistance available. For more information: visit or contact us at, 0413 489 738.
Grief to Grace
Healing the Wounds of Abuse – is a spiritual retreat for anyone who has suffered degradation or violation through physical, emotional, sexual or spiritual abuse. The retreat will be held April 8th – 13th 2018. To request an application contact Anne by emailing or phone 0407704539. For more information visit
Ordination to Priesthood of Shinto Francis: 16 December
Deacon Shinto Francis will be ordained a Priest for the Diocese of Parramatta on Saturday 16 December at 10.30am in St Patrick’s Cathedral, Parramatta. The principal celebrant will be Most Rev Vincent Long OFM Conv, Bishop of Parramatta. Everyone is welcome.
The Mass will also be livestreamed on YouTube and accessible via on the day.
Christmas at St Finbar’s: 17 December
St Finbar’s traditional Christmas feast will be held this year on Sunday 17th December at 7.30pm. Massed Choir, Readings, Harp, Handbells, Soloists and Brass. Join the great organ in singing carols with the choir and congregation, and rejoice in the Hallelujah Chorus with trumpets and timpani. Donation: Families $35, individuals $15. Bring the family, friends and neighbours. Proceeds towards the upkeep and maintenance of the organ. St. Finbar’s Catholic Church, 46 Levy Street, Glenbrook. Enquiries 4754 1780.
Feast of the Holy Family Vigil: 30 December
The Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth cordially invite families and youth (aged 18-35) to join us for a Celebration Vigil for Feast of the Holy Family on Saturday 30 December at 2:30 pm. Pizza from 5:30pm. 116-132 Quakers Road, 2148 Marayong NSW. Please RSVP to Sr Paula by 28 December on or 0449 656 406
Please note, some of these notices have been provided to the Diocese of Parramatta, with the request they be made available to parishes and parishioners. The Diocese of Parramatta makes these notices available for information purposes only and does not expressly endorse any of this material, unless otherwise specified. The Diocese of Parramatta cannot be held responsible for any inaccurate or defamatory content.