The Jesus prayer, one of the more important meditative prayers of the Christian tradition, used especially by Eastern Christians, is at its heart, a simple prayer. While there are a few variations as to how the prayer can be said, the most common words used for it are: “Lord Jesus...
On borders everywhere in the world today we find refugees, millions of them. They’re easily demonised, seen as a nuisance, a threat, as invaders, as criminals fleeing justice in their homelands. But mostly they are decent, honest people fleeing poverty, hunger, victimisation, and violence. And these reasons for fleeing...
At the Last Supper when Jesus instituted the Eucharist he chose to use two elements, bread and wine. The images are now so deeply ingrained in our consciousness that we never stop to ask, why bread and wine?...
Can I attribute my success in making it to the final round of competition to my prayers to Jesus through Mary? One could certainly make the argument. ...
The Word of God today challenges us to live in a way that is different to the way everyone else is culturally conditioned to live - by choosing the road less travelled....
In this gospel, Jesus makes the second of his third predictions of his passion and death. He is at pains to avoid all publicity and is dedicated to schooling the disciples in what is to come....
St Andrew the Apostle Catholic Church Marayong isn’t your typical church. Blessed with a “singing priest”, it is a church brimming with young Catholics....
Father, mother and son received the Sacraments of Initiation during the Holy Saturday Mass at St Nicholas of Myra Parish, Penrith. ...