The Feast of St John the Evangelist
Readings: 1 John 1:1–4; Psalm 96(97):1–2, 5–6, 11–12; John 20:2–8
27 December 2022
“We are writing this to you to make our own joy complete.” 1 John 1:4
The first reading today bubbles over with St John’s awe, wonder and excitement at what he has to share.
Think about what’s happened for him. He walked away from his job and became a wandering itinerant just so he could hear more and spend more time with this guy who talked about God like no one else ever had. He saw many miracles and even performed some himself before jealous authorities got Jesus shamefully killed. But then some women came with a story of an empty tomb and resurrection, and it turned out to be true! He saw both the empty tomb and the risen Jesus himself! And then Jesus disappeared in a cloud to heaven and John was filled with the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. Now he can’t stop talking about his experiences.
We know about these things today because they had such an impact on John (and others) that they couldn’t help but tell the world. They knew it wasn’t just good news for them. John writes that he is telling us so that we might be “in union” with them—so that we, too, might be able to know Jesus and experience his life-changing presence in our lives. Do we? Know Jesus, that is! Or do we just know about him? John invites us to share his joy, to come to know Jesus as the one who loves us personally, to experience him as part of our lives. Jesus, after all, is the real gift of Christmas.
Lord Jesus, it’s hard to know someone I can’t see or touch or hear. But I want to know you like St John did. Please help me to recognise your presence in my life. Amen.
Katherine Stone MGL
Katherine Stone MGL is a Missionaries of God’s Love sister living in Varroville NSW. Originally hailing from Tasmania, she joined the MGL Sisters in 2005. Since then, she has lived in Canberra, Melbourne and Sydney, studied theology and spiritual direction, and has done a term as formator. These days, her main ministries are spiritual direction, talks and teaching, and retreat giving. She is also the Sisters’ vocations director. Her passion is Jesus—as may be apparent from her ministry, she loves talking about him and to him, and hearing others share their own experiences of him.
With thanks to the Diocese of Wollongong, who have supplied this reflection from their publication, Incarnate – Advent & Christmas Daily Reflections 2022. Reproduced with permission.