Most Reverend Vincent Long Van Nguyen OFM Conv DD STL, Bishop of Parramatta
Address to the National Association of Deacons Conference 2019, Fremantle
“The renewed ministry of diakonia in the Church beyond the shadows of the priesthood“
4 October 2019
It is my hope that the deacons and their spouses be empowered to serve according to their gifts and talents. Their role is much more than a liturgical accessory to the bishop or the priest celebrant.
I have already seen a deacon and his wife thrive in their leadership role as Parochial District Pastoral Director. It is quite conceivable, as far as I am concerned, to appoint deacons and their wives as positions of leadership, including pastoral directors of local communities.
Finally, I firmly believe that we are on the threshold of renewal and transformation of the ordained ministry. If the ordained ministry has a better future, it has to find expression in better mutual support, collaboration, partnership and immersion in the coalface reality. It has to free itself from the variant strains of clericalism such as sexism, narcissism and paternalism.
The restored and revitalised diaconate with its characteristic embodiment of the Church in its fundamental expressions of service, mutuality and immersion in secularity has a potential to reset the ordained ministry towards a better future.
Most Rev Vincent Long Van Nguyen OFM Conv
Bishop of Parramatta
To read Part 6 of Bishop Vincent’s address, click here.
To read the full text of Bishop Vincent’s address, click here.