CYP LIFTED Retreat Announcements

21 June 2019

Inspired by Christus Vivit!

Great guest speakers | Meaningful discussion | Adoration | Daily mass | Reconciliation | Soul-stirring music | Delicious food | Peaceful venue | LIFTED Retreat | Unmissable

In the words of Pope Francis, “Certainly, as members of the Church, we should not stand apart from others. All should regard us as friends and neighbours… Yet at the same time we must DARE TO BE DIFFERENT, to point to ideals other than those of this world, testifying to the beauty of generosity, service, purity, perseverance, forgiveness, fidelity to our personal vocation, prayer, the pursuit of justice and the common good, love for the poor, and social friendship.” Christus Vivit, 36

Step aside from the rush of life and let God speak to you. He affirms and transforms us in the midst of prayer and new friendships. Be found & “Dare to be Different” on the 4th Diocesan LIFTED Retreat! First session begins Friday 5th July, 7pm and the last ends on Sunday 7th July, 1:30pm

Under 18 years of age and really needing something like this encounter? Contact and we will make it happen for you.


Some of our guest speakers have been announced:

  • Joy Adan – wife, mum, writer, artist, speaker – there’s not much she can’t do! She will speak into our call to live unique lives of joy through exploring the advice of Pope Francis: “Venerable Carlo Acutis said, “everyone is born as an original, but many people end up dying as photocopies”. Don’t let that happen to you!” (Christus Vivit, 106)
  • Dave Harrison – a powerful lay preacher from Wollongong, who has exciting stories about witnessing his Catholic faith in prisons & hospitals, on mission trips & in his own parish. We asked him because he can truly speak from experience on the words of Pope Francis: “Jesus invites us to be fearless missionaries wherever we are & in whatever company we find ourselves: in our neighbourhoods, in school or sports or social life, in volunteer service or in the workplace. Wherever we are, we always have an opportunity to share the joy of the Gospel.” (Christus Vivit, 177)
  • PJ Almendras – this dynamic musician, and motivator is the Acting Team Leader at Catholic Youth Broken Bay. A man who daily gives his all to enthuse others in their faith, he embodies someone who takes seriously the challenge of Pope Francis: “Don’t wait until tomorrow to contribute your energy, your audacity and your creativity to changing our world.” (Christus Vivit, 178) He will lead us into Adoration and Reconciliation during the always powerful and emotive LIFTED night.
  • Fr Jack Green – ordained a priest six months ago, he attended last year’s retreat as a deacon. His impressive homilies have inspired many in his parish of Blacktown and he witnesses to the joy of his vocation: “Do not dismiss the possibility of devoting yourself to God in the priesthood, the religious life or in other forms of consecration. Why not? You can be sure that, if you do recognize and follow a call from God, there you will find complete fulfilment.” (Christus Vivit, 276)

For more information, and to register, visit


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