Ordinary parishioners recognised for extraordinary service to Diocese 

By Mary Brazell, 15 August 2024
Bishop Vincent Long OFM Conv, Bishop of Parramatta, with recipients of the 2024 Diocesan Medal and Certificate of Merit (L-R) Lorraine Stirton, Sharon Clarke, Rosa Watson, Christine Little, Deanne O’Hare, Anthony Mansour, Michael McAuley, Janice Weaver and Margaret Cobden at St Patrick's Cathedral, Parramatta, in August 2024. Image: Alphonsus Fok/Diocese of Parramatta


Nine ordinary members of the faithful who have brought about the Kingdom of God across Western Sydney and the Blue Mountains have been recognised for their dedication, faith and service at the 2024 Diocesan Awards. 

During a ceremony at St Patrick’s Cathedral, Parramatta, on Wednesday 7 August, eight people were awarded the Diocesan Medal of Honour and one person received the Diocesan Certificate of Merit. 

At the ceremony, Bishop Vincent Long OFM Conv, Bishop of Parramatta, gave thanks for the generosity, faith and love of each of the recipients. 

“I give thanks to God for the way that His goodness has been made visible in their lives,” he said. 

“They have let the light of Christ shine through them in their good deeds and the self-effacing manner in which they were done. 

“We rejoice in the fact that they have said ‘yes’ to God, a ‘yes’ through which God has ‘done great things’ for the benefit of others. 

“Their example should encourage each of us to seek to let His light shine more brightly in us through lives of good deeds rooted in a love of God and our neighbour.” 

The 2024 recipients of the Diocesan Medal are as follows: 


Sharon Clarke
St Nicholas of Myra Parish, Penrith 

Sharon has been contributing to the community for 15 years, where she has served as a member of the Sacramental Team and assists as a reader, Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion and with the parish’s audio-visual ministry. She has also served three terms on the parish’s Pastoral Council. 

Sharon Clarke with Bishop Vincent Long OFM Conv. Image: Alphonsus Fok/Diocese of Parramatta


Margaret Cobden
St Nicholas of Myra Parish, Penrith

Margaret’s primary service to the community is in her role as a volunteer administration assistant in the parish office. She also assists with visits to the housebound, sick and dying, leading the hospitality team, the banner group and the piety stall and is a Minister at the Altar. 

Margaret Cobden and Bishop Vincent Long OFM Conv. Image: Alphonsus Fok/Diocese of Parramatta


Anthony Mansour
St Patrick’s Parish, Guildford

Anthony has been active in the parish for over six decades, serving multiple terms on the parish Finance Council and assisting on several committees including the parish Fete Committee over many years. He was one of the first acolytes to be installed for the Diocese, a ministry he continues to fulfil today.  

Anthony Mansour and Bishop Vincent Long OFM Conv. Image: Alphonsus Fok/Diocese of Parramatta


Michael McAuley
St Bernadette’s Parish, Castle Hill

Michael was the President of the St Thomas More Society from 2012 to 2023 and was instrumental in promoting the Red Mass for members of the legal fraternity in the Diocese and Archdiocese of Sydney. In his professional work as a barrister, he has acted for hundreds of people on a pro-bono basis, including for asylum seekers. 

Michael McAuley and Bishop Vincent Long OFM Conv. Image: Alphonsus Fok/Diocese of Parramatta


Deanne O’Hare
Tribunal of the Catholic Church, Diocese of Parramatta 

Deanne has served at the Diocesan Tribunal for over 30 years, serving under four Bishops of Parramatta. She has been commended for her professionalism, personal integrity and confidentiality in the matters she deals with. She ensures that clients and visitors have felt welcomed at the Tribunal. 

Deanne O’Hare and Bishop Vincent Long OFM Conv. Image: Alphonsus Fok/Diocese of Parramatta


Lorraine Stirton
St Bernadette’s Parish, Lalor Park

Lorraine has been a continuing presence at her parish for over five decades. She is a member of the parish’s Seniors Group and has assisted the local St Vincent de Paul Conference for over 12 years with visitations and food collections.  

Lorraine Stirton and Bishop Vincent Long OFM Conv. Image: Alphonsus Fok/Diocese of Parramatta


Rosa Watson
St Bernadette’s Parish, Lalor Park

Rosa has been a consistent volunteer presence in the parish office, assisting with the production of the parish bulletin and arranging the planned giving envelopes. Particularly, she has been a member of the sacramental team for over 15 years and has been a Special Religious Education (SRE) teacher to a kindergarten class at a local public school.

Rosa Watson and Bishop Vincent Long OFM Conv. Image: Alphonsus Fok/Diocese of Parramatta


Janice Weaver
St Bernadette’s Parish, Lalor Park

Janice has been a parishioner for over 60 years, with almost 20 of those being as an active member of the local St Vincent de Paul Society conference as their Treasurer. She has been the President of the parish’s Seniors Group and has, for many years, distributed Holy Communion to the housebound, despite not driving. 

Janice Weaver and Bishop Vincent Long OFM Conv. Image: Alphonsus Fok/Diocese of Parramatta


Diocesan Certificate of Merit 

Christine Little
St Nicholas of Myra Parish, Penrith

Following an invitation by a parishioner to assist at a function over 10 years ago, Christine has been a regular member of the parish’s hospitality group. Her engagement with the community showcases her passion for service and has helped build bridges of understanding and respect.  

Christine Little and Bishop Vincent Long OFM Conv. Image: Alphonsus Fok/Diocese of Parramatta


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