If you’re a republican like me, the imagery of Christ as king does not do a lot for you. Afterall the feast of Christ the King was instituted by Pope Pius XI back in 1925 when monarchies were still seen to be necessary correctives to the revolutionary aspects of...
As if to match our feelings of apprehension for our world as Donald Trump announces some left field appointments to his Cabinet, today’s gospel is an extract from Mark’s eschatological discourse in Chapter 13, warning us of dire things to come....
Today’s gospel is the last scene prior to that eschatological discourse which concludes with Jesus telling us: ‘Be on your guard, stay awake, because you never know when the time will come.’ No matter what your politics, no matter what your level interest in the US election, no matter...
Today is Social Justice Sunday. Our bishops have produced a document entitled ‘Truth and Peace: A Gospel Word in a Violent World’. In today’s first reading, Joshua gives a choice to the elders and leaders of the tribes of Israel gathered at Shechem. They can choose whatever gods they...