No one who serves those in need has any interest in getting into a back and forth with public figures who make demonstrably false statements about why the church serves....
Life in camps along Thai-Myanmar border after medical services cut, more restrictions imposed will be tougher, residents say....
The Church has obligations to defend immigrants and refugees....
Cardinal Cupich addresses reports of potential planned mass deportations targeting undocumented people in the Chicago area and reiterates the Catholic Church's commitment to human dignity, justice, and the rights of migrants and asylum seekers....
Refugees, immigrants and people whose lives have been disrupted by war have lost their homes and the ordinary security of daily life. The adults among them, however, do not commonly focus on themselves and in their own needs but on the future of their children....
We have cause to reflect on today’s second reading from James: ‘An answer for the rich. Start crying, weep for the miseries that are coming to you. Your wealth is all rotting, your clothes are all eaten up by moths. All your gold and your silver are corroding away,...
The release of about 23 refugees, some of whom had been detained for close to nine years, from onshore detention facilities including Melbourne’s Park Hotel has been welcomed by the Catholic Alliance for People Seeking Asylum (CAPSA)....
A recent gathering of parish priests and parishioners in the Diocese of Parramatta heard how Catholic action is making a difference for refugees in Australia....
Pope Francis visits with migrants at the John XXIII Peace Lab Centre during his final event in Malta, and warns humanity that we face a shipwreck of civilization, which threatens not only migrants but all of us, if we do not conduct ourselves with kindness and humanity....