20 ways for busy people to converse with God

By Megan Nye, 22 September 2024
Image: Grant Whitty/Unsplash


Boisterous children, unwashed dishes, office deadlines and a cozy bed at the end of a long day — all of these can call to us more loudly than the quiet voice of God inviting us into prayer. We constantly juggle the urgent tasks of this earthly life, so it’s easy to miss beautiful moments to connect with our ever-present heavenly Father.

How can you make time for God when you don’t know how to drop everything and truly pray? Here are some ways you can satisfy your thirsty soul by injecting prayer into your busy life:

Set an alarm. You use an alarm clock to wake up. Some people wear an activity alert band to remind them to stand up at set intervals of time. Why not take the same approach to your spiritual health that you take with your physical health? Set alarms throughout the day to remind yourself to pray ­— even if it’s only a few words spoken with God.

Create a mental association. Place a sticky note on your bathroom mirror to remind yourself to pray every time you brush your teeth. Hang a sign at the base of your home’s stairs encouraging you to walk in prayer with God as you ascend the stairs. Soon, you will have established a habit of prayer.

Continue reading this article for more tips.

Megan Nye writes from New Jersey.

With thanks to OSV News and North Texas Catholic where this article originally appeared.


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