At the Amazon synod and in the post-synodal apostolic exhortation, Querida Amazonia we have witnessed a number of unprecedented elements that have had an unexpected impact on our Catholic tradition at the local, regional and universal levels. We have also seen the effect of the synod on popular opinion worldwide. Hopefully, these elements will result in ongoing change for the whole church and the world in our pursuit of the kingdom of justice and peace.
First, we saw the peripheries, considered for so long as irrelevant or secondary, moved into the center of the church’s attention. This is an invitation to be open to the Holy Spirit coming from unexpected places, beyond our own limitations, structures and secure places. And as it happened in the journey of Jesus himself (and is so often true in the Gospels), the margins were probably the most significant place to encounter the true call from God.
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With thanks to America Magazine where this article was first published.