Catholic Outlook, March 2017
Dear friends,
After 19 years, the print version of Catholic Outlook (the official publication for the Diocese of Parramatta) will cease publication with March 2017 being the final issue. Catholic Outlook will continue publishing news and events online at and through our various social media channels.
On behalf of the Diocese of Parramatta, I extend my sincere thanks to all those who have worked on publishing Catholic Outlook over the years. I also thank our generous advertisers, school and parish communities which have helped keep Catholics in Western Sydney and the Blue Mountains informed of what is happening in the Church.
Catholic Outlook was started by my predecessor, Bishop Kevin Manning who noted: “The opportunities for a Bishop to communication personally with his people are restricted …” Hence the need at the time for a print publication like Catholic Outlook, which could be sent directly to parishioners and school families.
However, across the world, media consumption habits are in rapid transformation. Numerous studies and examples are all pointing to declining print circulation (daily newspapers, monthly magazines) and increased used of digital technology (tablets, smartphones, smartwatches, social media).
This information transformation is no different in the Diocese of Parramatta. Social and digital media is becoming the primary news source for most Catholics with a shift heavily into an online and digital media and communication landscape. The important content, messages and other information we produce for the Church will not change, only our method of news delivery will change.
Serving Together (started in 2010) will also cease publication this month as the content of Serving Together and Catholic Outlook has increasingly morphed into similar material being produced for both publications every month. I will revert to communicating directly with clergy through the more traditional Ad Clera.
The Diocese of Parramatta is also developing a new app and exploring other options that will allow you stay up-to-date with information from our Diocese, the Church in Australia and beyond. Moving forward, I will also give consideration to the publication of a periodical in magazine format. As Pope Francis reminds us, “Let us boldly become citizens of the digital world. The Church needs to be concerned for, and present in, the world of communication, in order to dialogue with people today and to help them encounter Christ.”
Most Rev Vincent Long OFM Conv
Bishop of Parramatta